José Luis Aróstegui Plaza

Profesor de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical de la Universidad de Granada

José Luis Aróstegui Plaza

Profesor de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical de la Universidad de Granada

Intercultural Education and Music Teacher Education: Cosmopolitan Learning through Popular Music.

Aróstegui, J. L. e Ibarretxe, G. (2016). Intercultural education and music teacher education: Cosmopolitan learning through popular music. En P. Burnard, E. Mackinlay y K. Powell (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research. Nueva York: Routledge.

In this chapter we will review the concept of interculturality, through the lens of Global Studies in education, cosmopolitan learning and a post-colonial approach, to discuss how music has contributed to the development of intercultural education and intercultural competencies in music teacher education. By discussing the concept of identity and cultural diversity, we will first review the linked concepts of multiculturality and interculturality, and discuss their implications for education and music education. Next, we will discuss on the Basque Country, Spain, and the implications of practices carried out with popular music during primary teacher’s training as illustration. Throughout this chapter we explore the ways in which interculturality is part of our daily world, and the ways that different cultural layers coexist at the same time. We will conclude with thoughts about the way music education has to be decolonized by intercultural musical practices and by expanding the local and global cultural horizons of people, and suggest a shift in focus from music to students diversity and from identity to inequalities, necessary to acknowledge the political and power implications of any educational practice.

