At present, I work at the Department of Mathematics Education of the University of Granada (Spain). My current research interests include early algebra, mathematical thinking and modelling, reasoning and proving, design of mathematical tasks, curriculum development, use of mathematical software in mathematics education.

After my Bachelor’s Degree in Mathemtics (2005-2010) and my Master’s Degree in Mathematics (2010-2011), I received my PhD Degree in Algebra from the University of Granada in 2015. My doctoral research was focused on the study of weak (Hopf) bialgebras and weak multiplier (Hopf) bialgebras from a categorical point of view. During my PhD studies I did several research stays in the Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner RCP, HAS (Budapest); the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels) and the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Hamburg). After that, I was working as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Novi Sad (Republic of Serbia).

In 2016 I started my research on Mathematical Education and Didactics of Mathematics at the Campus in Ceuta of the University of Granada. In 2017 I continued my research work in these fields at the University of Jaén and the University of Oviedo. Since 2018, I work at the Department of Didactics of Mathematics of the University of Granada, holding a position of “Profesora Ayudante Doctora”. During 2019, I visited the Department of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics of the Charles University in Prague for collaborative research works.