Josef Zenka

CV Abreviado



Josef Zenka
Departamento del Próximo Oriente
Facultad de Letras
Universidad Carolina
Celetná 20,
116 42 Praha 1 República Checa
Teléfono (lugar de trabajo): (420) 221 619 693



ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4520-2023


Situación profesional actual


Profesor Contratado Doctor a tiempo completo en la Universidad Carolina (Departamento del Próximo Oriente), desde junio 2017 hasta la actualidad.


Situación profesional anterior


Profesor Ayudante (2010-2012) y Profesor Ayudante Doctor (2012-2017) a tiempo completo en la Universidad Carolina (Departamento del Próximo Oriente y África)
Restaurador a tiempo parcial en el Museo Nacional de la República Checa (2013-2015)
Junior Fellowen Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg "History and Society during the Mamluk Era (1250-1517)",
Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Bonn (Proyecto: “Autograph Manuscripts of Andalusi Immigrants”), desde 1 de Octubre 2017 – 30 de Septiembre 2018
Profesor Visitante, EPHE, Francia (Mayo 2021).


Formación Académica


Máster en Historia y Cultura de los Países Islámicos por la Universidad Carolina, República Checa. Título expedido en 2008.
Máster en Historia/Historia Medieval por la Universidad Carolina, República Checa. Título expedido en 2008.
Doctor en Historia de Asia y África, título expedido por la Universidad Carolina, República Checa. Título expedido en 2012




Arabic Manuscripts, Arabic Documents, Granada, Nasrids, Diplomatics, Codicology, Paleography, Islamic Law.




I am a Czech historian and Arabist with a research interest in Muslim Granada (13th to 15th centuries). I have worked on my own line of research focusing on Nasrid history, its elites, manuscript books, legal and royal documents, and the Andalusi immigrants in the Mamluk sultanate.
I have studied these topics with new approaches and from an interdisciplinary perspective, brought new evidence, and offered new interpretations. The results of my research (e.g., “the ruling elite”) have encouraged new lines of research and inspired other scholars to explore new horizons. My research has a clear impact, with 152 citations (88 in the last five years) of my work.
Throughout my career, I have shown independence in my research, as well as strong leadership and coordinating skills, by acting as the PI of four individual competitive research projects (with a total funding of 137,960 €) and collaborating with researchers in different disciplines and countries. Since 2013, I have given thirty conference and workshop talks and presentations abroad, of which twenty were invited (17 out of 19 in the last five years), considerably promoting the study of Muslim Granada, its manuscripts, and documents all around Europe and North Africa.
Since 2015, I have worked with my Spanish, French, and American colleagues on three international research projects funded by the Spanish government, each with my own line of research. In the first one, I focused on the Granadan royal manuscripts; in the second one, on the last Muslim "queens" of Granada; and in the ongoing one, I focused on two significant collections of documents. In 2016, I incorporated myself into the research group Ciudades Andaluzas bajo el Islam of the University of Granada as a collaborating member. Between 2017 and 2018, I was a fellow at the University of Bonn, Germany, working on a project on autograph manuscripts of Andalusi immigrants. In 2021, I was a visiting professor at Ecole Pratique et Hautes Etudes in Paris, teaching a series of lectures on Muslim Granada's manuscript culture. As a result of this international activity, most of my results have been published in English or Spanish. I participated in three other institutional grants and was awarded a major Czech postdoctoral prize (Jan Hus fellowship). Between 2009 and 2023, I conducted manuscript and archival research on sixty-seven occasions, e.g., in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
Over the years, I have acquired a unique set of skills. I am an expert in Arabic codicology and diplomatics, with the ability to decipher all Arabic scripts from the 13th to 16th centuries. I have also received extensive training in medieval Spanish paleography and excel at editing Arabic texts and translating documents from Arabic into English and Spanish.
I have ample experience in teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels in Czech, English, and Spanish, offering courses or seminars in Middle Eastern History, Islamic Law, and Historical Methodologies, including the history of al-Andalus and Granada, both in the Czech Republic and abroad (e.g., France, Spain). I served as a tribunal member at the Ph.D. defense at the University of Granada. I have successfully combined my research activities with my teaching and tried to transfer as much of what I do to my students as possible. The most notable example is my seminar Islamic Legal Documents: Paleography, Diplomatic, and Terminology, in which I pass to my students my knowledge on these three subjects through reading unpublished Arabic legal documents from Granada, Egypt, and Syria with several ongoing B.A. or M. A. Theses. I have directed two Ph.D. theses, four M.A. theses, and five B.A. theses. My Ph.D. students applied for and obtained individual research grants (with me serving as the director of the project) or fellowships, and I pushed them into publishing at the international level.
I have carried out public engagement throughout my career, promoting Arabic manuscripts, documents, and the history of al-Andalus in public lectures, workshops, or exhibitions for adults and children. I most notably participated in the exhibition ‘Alāmas Nazaríes held at the “Archivo de la Real Chancillería” in Granada in 2022, authoring texts, editing and translating documents from Arabic, and giving a roundtable in Granada. I was invited as an expert to the documentary movie by Isabel Rodríguez, “Los constructores de la Alhambra” (2022), appearing on the screen twice. I collaborated with archives (e.g., EEA, CSIC or AHNOB, Spain) or libraries (e.g., Oriental Institute, CZ) with cataloging Arabic manuscripts and documents or giving expertise to auction houses on Granadan manuscripts (United Kingdom). In the Czech Republic, I published a book with a translation of several Granadan chronicles (Pád Granady a zánik al-Andalusu) that sold out.



4.1. Publicaciones más importantes en libros y revistas

Libros editados


1. Nykl, Alois Richard. 50 let cest českého jazykozpytce a filosofa. Díl I 1885-1916. Ed. Josef Ženka. Praha: Karolinum, 2016. ISBN 9788024633541.


Capítulos de libro


2. “Diplomatic Relationship between Islamic Granada and Its Contemporary World,” en A Companion to Medieval and Early Modern Granada, ed. B. Boloix Gallardo, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022, 273-295. ISBN 9789004425811. DOI: 10.1163/9789004425811_014.


3. With Amalia Zomeňo and Juan Pablo Arias, “La cancillería nazarí: documentos y oficiales al servicio del emir”, in ʽAlāmas nazaríes. Los autógrafos de los sultanes (1454-1492): Exposición. Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada del 2 de Febrero al 18 de Marzo de 2022. Edited by David Torres Ibáňez. Granada: Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada, 2022, 27-54.

4. “A Mamlūk-Andalusī holograph manuscript of the former Marinid Chancellor Muḥammad Ibn ḤizbAllāh al-Wādī Āshī” in: The Maghrib in the Mashriq: Knowledge, Travel and Identity, ed. Maribel Fierro und Mayte Penelas. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021, 477-512. ISBN 9783110712698. DOI: 10.1515/9783110713305-018.

5. “Las terceras taifas en un nuevo manuscrito del A‛māl / I‛māl al- a‛lām de Ibn al- Jaṭīb .” En Manuscritos para comunicar culturas, 6. Primavera del Manuscrito Andalusí. Eds. Francisco Vidal Castro, Mustafa Ammadi , María Jesús Viguera Molins. Rabat: Bouregreg, 2013, 181 – 190. ISBN 9789954325353

Artículos en revistas


6. “ Women of Abencerrajes (Ibn Al-Sarrāj): Kinship Strategies in 15th Century Granada,” Medieval Encounters (BRILL) 29, n. 5-6 (2023): 464–500. DOI: 10.1163/15700674-12340174.
7. “A Manuscript of the Last Sultan of al-Andalus and the Fate of the Royal Library of the Nasrid Sultans at the Alhambra,” Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 9/2-3 (2018), 341-376. DOI: 10.1163/1878464X-00902013.
8. “Las notas manuscritas como fuente sobre la Granada del siglo XV: La gran inundación del año 1478 en un manuscrito escurialense”, Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos: Sección Árabe e Islam, 66 (2017): 265 – 78.
9. “The Great Ruling Family of the 14th century: Muṣāhara in the Age of Ibn al- Khatīb,” Medieval Encounters, (BRILL) 20 (2014), 306-339. DOI: 10.1163/15700674-12342177
10. “Išqalyūla , no Ašqīlūla : el nombre correcto de la familia fundadora del emirato Nazarí ”, Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 25 (2014): 195 – 208. DOI: 10.5209/rev_ANQE.2014.v 25.44669 .


4.2. Congresos y otras reuniones científicas


1. “It is time to let it go and start again: Was Ibn al-Khaṭīb's Iḥāṭa the final blow to Andalusi Ṣila histories?” Conference: “Texts as Living Objects”. Organizado por el Institut d'Études Avancées de París, Francia, 14 – 16 de noviembre de 2023.
2. “Life after death of notary documents in the 15th century Granada.” Conference: “Authenticating Written Artifacts”. Organizado por el Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universidad de Hamburgo, Alemania, 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2023.
3. “Al-Qalṣādī’s quest for the simplification of a commentary in al-Andalus”. Conference: “Bridging the Gap–Texts, Commentaries and the new Audience”. Organizado por la Universidad Humboldt en Berlín, Alemania, 27 – 29 de noviembre de 2023. Ponencia invitada.



4. “One house and a big, “happy” family: Kinship and property rights in 15th-century Granadan legal documents.” Conferencia: “Ties of Kinship and the Early Islamic Empire”. Organizado en Leiden, Países Bajos, 6 – 8 de diciembre de 2021. Ponencia invitada
5. “Los notarios de la mezquita mayor y la madraza de Granada”. Conferencia: “ Microhistoria de una sociedad islámica en Occidente: agentes , objetos y espacios (Granada, siglos XIV – XVI).” Organizado por la Escuela de Estudios Árabes, Granada, 10 – 11 de junio de 2021. Ponencia invitada
6. “The Original and its Copies: Three Andalusi Documents from the 15th century.”. ConferencIe: “The 4th Conference on the Layout and Structure of Arabic Documents (7th to 16th centuries)”. Organizado en Múnich, Alemania, 26 –2 8 de noviembre de 2020. Ponencia invitada
7. “Writing a commentary during the ḥajj and the ziyāra by an Andalusi pilgrim”. Conferencia: “Marginal Commentaries in Arabic Manuscripts (Bibliotheca Arabica)”. Organizada por Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig, Alemania, 2 – 3 de diciembre de 2019. Ponencia invitada
8. “Text and layout of Granadan documents written by a professional copyist and scribe Muḥammad al- Wādi Āshī”. Conferencia : “Text and Layout Structure of Arabic Documents (7th-16 Centuries)”. Organizado por la Escuela de Estudios Árabes, Granada, 4 – 6 de julio de 2019. Ponencia invitada
9. “Dismantling the Myth of the Boabdil’s Wife: The Princess Umm al-Fath bint Muhammad X, the Younger (el Chiquito)”. Conferencia: “Nasrid and Marinid Women in the Medieval Islamic Mediterranean (XIII–XV Centuries)”. Organizado por la Universidad de Granada, 6 – 7 de junio de 2019. Ponencia invitada
10. “The manuscript corpus of Mamluk Andalusis: Ibn Maymun (m. 792/1389 – 1390) and his life in Damascus, Aleppo and Cairo.”. Conferencia: “The Maghrib in the Mashriq”. Organizado por el ILC, CSIC, Madrid, 20 – 21 de diciembre de 2018. Ponencia invitada



4.3. Miembro de Proyectos de Investigación I+D financiados


1. “La sociedad nazarí es el siglo XV: aplicación del derecho y administración del Estado (SONADE)”. Concedido por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación. IP: Antonio Peláez Rovira (Universidad de Granada), Ana María Carballeira Debasa (Escuela de Estudios Árabes, CSIC). Referencia PID2020-118989GB-I00. Duración: 01/09/2021 – 31/8/2025. Miembro del equipo investigador.
2. “La Granada Nazarí es el siglo XV: microhistoria de una entidad islámica es Occidente; Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad”. Concedido por la Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica. FEDER, UE. IP: Ana María Carballeira Debasa (Escuela de Estudios Árabes , CSIC), Amalia Zomeño (Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo, CSIC). Referencia: FFI2016-79252-P. Duración: 30/12/2016 – 29/06/2021. Miembro del equipo investigador.
3. “La mujer nazarí y meriní en las sociedades islámicas del Mediterráneo medieval (siglos XIII-XV): Poder, identidad y dinámicas sociales”. Concedido por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad y la Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica. FEDER, UE. IP: Bárbara Boloix Gallardo (UGR). Referencia: HAR2017-88117-P. Duración: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020. Miembro del equipo investigador.
4. “Alois Richard Nykl, Czech orientalist, traveller and fellow-countrymen”. Concedido por la Czech Science Foundation. Beca de Investigación Postdoctoral. IP: Josef Ženka (Museo Nacional, República Checa). Referencia: GP13-29508P. Duración: 01/02/2013 – 31/12/2015. Investigador principal.
5. “Fatwas of Islamic Scholars as a Source to the Everyday life in the Islamic West”. Concedida por la Charles University Science Foundation. IP: Josef Ženka (Charles University). Referencia: 1354213. Duración: 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2015. Investigador principal.
6. “Granada and Plagues in the 15th century”. Concedida por la Faculty of Arts, CU; IP: Josef Ženka (Charles University). Referencia: SVV26910714. Duración: 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2014. Investigador principal.
7. “The Influence of Clan and Family Structures on the political-decision making process of the Emirate of Granada”. Concedido por la Charles University Science Foundation. IP: Josef Ženka (Universidad Carolina). Referencia: 102609. Duración: 01/01/2009 – 31/12/2010. Investigador principal.


5.1. CV Completo

Josef Zenka

Fecha de actualización: Mayo de 2024