The Team
The DAMAGE project group is multidisciplinary and is made up of researchers from the field of Earth Sciences who have contributed in a remarkable way for several decades to the knowledge of the geological structure and the recent and active deformations in the Betic-Rif Cordillera and Alborán Sea
Andalucian Institute of Earth Sciences (UGR-CSIC). Granada (España)
- Jesús Galindo Zaldívar
- Domingo Aerden
- Menchu Comas Minondo
- Ángel Carlos López Garrido
- José Rodríguez Fernández
- Carlos Sanz de Galdeano Equiza
University of Granada, Granada (Spain)
- Francisco Lamas Fernández
- Carlos López Casado
- Lourdes González Castillo
- Ana Ruiz Constán
- Manuel Martínez Martos
- Victor Tendero Salmerón
- Asier Madarieta Churruca
University of Jaén, Jaén (Spain)
- María Jesús Borque Arancón
- Antonio Gil Cruz
- Jose Antonio Peláez Montilla
- Juan Antonio García Armenteros
Geological Survey of Spain, Madrid (Spain)
- Carlos Marín Lechado
- Francisco Javier Roldán García
- Antonio Pedrera Parias
Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris (France)
- Elia d’Acremont
- Christian Gorini
- Sara Lafuerza
Institute of Marine Sciences, Barcelona (Spain)
- Gemma Ercilla Zarraga
- Ferrán Estrada Llácer
University of Lisboa, Lisboa (Portugal)
- Francisco Martínez Moreno
- Fernando Monteiro dos Santos
Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt (Germany)
- Andreas Junge
- Phillip Hering
Technical University os Loja, Loja (Ecuador)
- José Tamay Granda
- John Egverto Soto Luzuriaga
University of Cádiz, Cádiz (Spain)
- Alberto Sánchez Alzola
University of Málaga, Málaga (Spain)
- Jose Manuel González Vida
- Ángel Santamaría López
Abdelmalek Essaâdi University,
Tetouan (Morocco)
- Mohamed Benmakhlouf
University Mohammed V of Rabat,
Rabat (Marruecos)
- Ahmed Chalouan
University of Montpellier, Montpellier (Francia)
- Bernard Célérier
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge
(United Kingdom)
- Yasmina Martos Martín
Geological Survey of Denmark and
Greenland, Copenhague (Denmark)
- Lara Pérez Miguel
National Institute os Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome (Italy)
- Roberto Devoti
P. P. Shirshov’s Institute of Ocenology (RAS), Moscow (Russian Federation)
- Anatoly Schreider
Hydrographic Institute os the Navy, Cadiz (Spain)
- Juan Antonio Rengel Ortega
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