El jueves, 3 de octubre, a las 12.30, en la Sala de Juntas de Filosofía, tuvo lugar una nueva sesión del TeC-FiloLab. En esta ocasión tuvimos el honor de contar con Anna Drożdżowicz, profesora del Department of Law, Philosophy and International Studies de la Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. A continuación tenéis el título y un resumen de la charla, así como una breve nota sobre el trabajo de Drożdżowicz.
Perceiving Voice and Speaker
Abstract: When listening to a speaker, one can come to understand what they say by perceiving the speech sounds they utter. But one can also hear the speaker’s voice. Voice is an auditory face of the speaker. It conveys rich information not only about the speaker’s attitude and emotional state, but can also provide some information concerning their identity, age, gender, and even their socioeconomic status or regional background. The importance of such information in everyday social interactions in multilingual and multicultural societies is hard to overestimate. Yet in recent philosophical discussions of linguistic communication, the way the speaker sounds and the impression they make on a hearer have been largely ignored.
In this talk I present my ongoing project “Perceiving Voice and Speaker” that investigates philosophical issues concerning the role of voice and speaker impressions based on voice (and speech) perception in linguistic communication. I will present the main goals and selected results of this project, focusing on: (1) specific methodological limitations, and (2) the project’s relevance for the ethics of communication.
Bio: I am an associate professor at the Department of Law, Philosophy and International Studies. I work in the philosophy of mind and language. Most of my research to date concerns linguistic understanding, voice perception and the use of intuitive judgements in philosophy of language and linguistics. I also have a background in psychology and an interest in the philosophy of psychiatry.
I am currently the PI of the project Perceiving Voice and Speaker funded by a Young Research Talents FRIPRO grant from the Research Council of Norway. I am also a member of the Young Academy of Norway (Akademiet for yngre forskere).
Personal website: https://annadariadrozdzowicz.wordpress.com/