José Ramón Torices Vidal: «The dog whistles and Rivera’s nationalist discourse», May 27

José Ramón Torices Vidal has published the article “Los silbatos para perro y el discurso nacionalista de Rivera” in, on May 27, 2018.

The term ‘dogwhistle politics’ is the metaphorical expression used in the Philosophy of Language and Linguistics to describe a phenomenon that is quite common in political discourse. […] The idea is that, in an act of speech such as the political whistle, the encoded message, the one that is whistled, is only audible to a part of the listeners. Normally, this whistled message communicates a content of racist, homophobic or classist nature. […] The danger of this type of discourse, apart from the deception of the general audience, is that the political whistle can exert its persuasive effect on the target audience even without the know that they are being mobilized for reasons that they would despise.

José Ramón Torices currently works in the Department of Philosophy I of the University of Granada thanks to a predoctoral contract of the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad de España (FPI-Grant: BeS-2014-067584). He is mainly interested in the Philosophy of Language, Disagreements, the Philosophy of Emotions, Epistemology, and Metaepistemology.

The article can be consulted in this link.

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