2017 – 2019


Currently we can use some substances and devices to change the moral motivation of human beings (making them more empathetic, more confident, more reciprocal or less aggressive). However, the effects of these interventions depend on the context or on the individual, and sometimes the effects could be counterproductive. Now we conjecture that these shortcomings in the process of modifying motivations may be remedied if we improve the knowledge and the deliberation of the agent. And we think that in order to do so, which is essential when it comes to act morally, the latest advances in artificial intelligence might prove very useful. We aim at considering, specifically, the possibilities rendered by, on the one hand, the primeval essays on the ethical behavior of robots, and, on the other, the uses of computers for enhancing, updating and more efficiently manage relevant data and also for increasing our logical and deliberative capabilities. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to ethically reflect upon the possibilities of complementing different means of moral bio-enhancement with moral info-enhancement, that is to say, novel applications of computer sciences to moral decision-making.


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Francisco Lara (P.I)


Blanca Rodríguez


Aníbal Monasterio

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Jan Deckers


Julian Savulescu

miguel moreno

Miguel Moreno

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Paloma García

pablo garcia

Pablo García


Pablo De Lora


Olga Campos

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Jon Rueda


Sebastian Porsdam


Enrique Caceres


Julia Mosquera

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Tomislav Bracanovic

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Karolina Kudlek


Remy Debes


Robert Hall


Javier Rodríguez



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events & results


-Lara, F. and Savulescu, J. (2021), Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora, Editorial Tecnos.

-Rodríguez López, B. (2021), Mejora estética: ¿Cenicienta o prototipo? En Lara, F. & Savulescu, J. (2021), Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora, Tecnos.

-Moreno Muñoz, M. (2021), Perspectiva crítica sobre la aplicación en humanos de sistemas CRISPR/Cas de edición genética.  En Lara, F. & Savulescu, J. (2021), Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora, Tecnos.

-Deckers, J. (2021), El significado moral de la naturaleza para el debate sobre la mejora humana. En Lara, F. & Savulescu, J. (2021), Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora, Tecnos.

-García Díaz, P. (2021), El neurofeedback y la mejora de la agencia moral. En Lara, F. & Savulescu, J. (2021), Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora, Tecnos.

-Monasterio Astoriza, A. (2021), Automatizando la toma de decisiones: Inteligencia artificial y mejora humana. En Lara, F. & Savulescu, J. (2021), Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora, Tecnos.

-Kudlek, K. (2021), Is human enhancement intrinsically bad? Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy,

-Rueda, J. & Lara, F. (2020). Virtual Reality and Empathy Enhancement: Ethical Aspects. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7: 506984.

-Monasterio Astobiza A. (2020). The Natural-Artificial Distinction and the Technologization of Sport. Philosophies 2020, 5(4), 28

-Rueda, J. (2020). De la libertad morfológica transhumanista a la corporalidad posthumana: convergencias y divergencias. Isegoría, 63, 311-328.

-Lara, F. and Moreno, M. (2020), «Technologies and Scopes of Human Bioenhancement: From Gene Editing to Moral Behaviour», Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 11.

-Rueda, J. (2020), «Climate Change, Moral Bioenhancement and the Ultimate Mostropic», Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 11.

-Lara, F. and Deckers, J. (2020), «Artificial Intelligence as a Socratic Assistant for Moral Enhancement», Neuroethics, 13

-Monasterio Astobiza A., Ausín T., Morte R. (2020), The Ethics of BCI. En Steven S. Gouveia (ed). The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: An Exploration. Delaware. Vernon Pres

-Maslen, H. Savulescu, J. & Hunt, C. (2020), “Elogio y mejora motivacional: ¿'sin dolor, sin alabanza'?”, Revista Australasia de Filosofía, 98 (2

-Hall, R.T. (2019), “Neuro-enhancement research: a casuistic approach”, Ramon Llull Journal Applied Ethics, 10.

-Rodríguez López, B. (2019), “Sobre la controversia en torno a la mejora moral”, Pasajes 57 (2)

-Persson I, and Savulescu J, (2019), “The Irrelevance of a Moral Right to Privacy for Biomedical Moral Enhancement”, Neuroethics,12.

-Persson, I., and Savulescu, J., (2019), “Biomedical Moral Enhancement –Not a Lever Without a Fulcrum”, Neuroethics, 12.

-Monasterio Astoriza, A. (2019), «La permisibilidad ética de las tecnologías de bio mejora moral», PENSAMIENTO. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 75-283. 

-Kudlek, K. (2019), “The Role of Emotion Modulation in Moral Bioenhancement Debate”, Topoi, 38.

-Persson. I & Savulescu, J. (2019), “The evolution of moral progress and biomedical moral enhancement”, Bioethics, 33 (7)

-Schaefer, G. & Savulescu, J. (2019), “Procedural Moral Enhancement”, Neuroethics, 12 (1).

-Rainey S. y Monasterio Astobiza A. (2020), Global governance of Artificial Intelligence: Pressure on Political Legitimacy. En Jon S. Gordon (ed). Smart Technologies and Fundamental Rights. Leiden. Brill

-Monasterio Astobiza A. (2019). The Automated State: AI applied to government. En Claes Granmar, Katarina Fast Lappalainen y Crhistine Storr (eds) AI & Fundamental Rights. Stockholm. Jure

-Rodríguez López, B (2019), “Modificación genética y beneficencia reproductiva”. En López de la Vieja, M.T. (2019), Bioética. Presente Futuro, Plaza y Valdés 2019

-Rodríguez López, B. (2018), “Procreative Beneficence: Is selection really better tan genetic modification?”. En Emilian Mihailov et al. (eds.), Autonomy and Well-being in Bioethics, De Gruyter, 2018.

-Rodríguez Alcázar, Javier (2017), “Political Minimalism and Social Debates: the Case of Human-Enhancement Technologies”, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 14 (3).

-Lara, Francisco (2017), «Oxytocin, Empathy and Human Enhancement», Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 32 (3).

-Lara, Francisco (2017), «Ethical Requisites for Neuroenhancement of Moral Motivation», Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 8.

-Bracanovic, Tomislav (2017), “Sex reassignment surgery and enhancement”, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42(1).

-Campos Serena, Olga (2017), «Equality for Animals? Cognitive Enhancement beyond Humans, Τέλος. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas, XXI, 2.

-Campos Serena, Olga (2017), «Los animales sensibles y la oportunidad de corregir las desigualdades cognitivas», Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 70.

-Porsdam Mann, S.; P. de Lora Deltoro; T. Cochrane; & C. Mitchell (2018), “Is the use of modafinil, a pharmacological cognitive enhancer, cheating?”, Ethics and Education, 13 (2).

-Savulescu J. (2017) “The Future of Human Enhancement and  Setting Rules for Technological Doping”. Annals of the University of Bucharest: Philosophy Series66 (2).

-Mihailov, E., and Savulescu, J. (Feb 2018-Online First),  “Social policy and cognitive enhancement: lessons from chess”. Neuroethics.

-Pugh J, Maslen H, Savulescu J. (2017), “Deep Brain Stimulation, Authenticity and Value”. Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, 26 (4).

-Giubilini, A., and Savulescu, J., (2018), “The Artificial Moral Advisor: The `ideal observer´ meets artificial intelligence”, Philosophy and Technology, 31.

-Earp, B., and Savulescu, J.,(2018), “Love drugs: Why scientists should study the effects of pharmaceuticals on human (romantic) relationships”, Technology in Society52:10-16

-Persson, I., and Savulescu, J., (2017) “Moral Hard-Wiring and Moral Enhancement” Bioethics31(4).

-Schaefer, O., Savulescu, J., (2017),  “Better Minds, Better Morals: A Procedural Guide to Better Judgment”, Journal of Posthuman Studies1:1.



-I Japanese-European Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Moral Enhancement, Granada, 26th & 27th November 2019.

-Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, (organized with Oxford Wellcome Center for Ethics and Humanities), Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-Seminario Abierto sobre Mejora Humana, Granada, 26th February, 2019.

-«Nuevas tecnologías y mejora humana», discussion session coordinated by Francisco Lara in the XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-New Technologies and Human Enhancement. A Workshop with Nicholas Agar, Málaga, February 2nd, 2018.

-Ethics, Disease and the Future of Health. Workshop in Granada, March 14th, 2017.



-«BIOethAI+ Project and research in Spain on ethics and AI», by Francisco Lara. I Japanese-European Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Moral Enhancement, Granada, 26th & 27th November 2019.

-«A sketch of ethics in relation to AI in the UK», by Jan Deckers. I Japanese-European Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Moral Enhancement, Granada, 26th & 27th November 2019.

-«The ethical development of Artificial Intelligence research: what should differentiate the EU strategy?, by Miguel Moreno. I Japanese-European Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Moral Enhancement, Granada, 26th & 27th November 2019.

-«Should we use Virtual Reality to enhance empathy?, by Jon Rueda. I Japanese-European Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and Moral Enhancement, Granada, 26th & 27th November 2019.

-«Ethical considerations about empathy enhancement through Virtual Reality», by Jon Rueda & Francisco Lara. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Neurorehabilitation without consent? Consequentialism and the case of psychopathic offenders», by Francisco Lara. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Could an AI machine enhance human morality», by Jan Deckers & Francisco Lara. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Algorithms for ethics and law: How to use AI for moral-legal enhancement», by Enrique Cáceres Nieto, Ricardo Mansilla & Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Preconditions for using CRISPR systems to enhance cognitive traits», by Miguel Moreno. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Competition and justice in cognitive enhancement», by Blanca Rodríguez López, Emilian Mihailov & Ivar Hannikainen. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Ethical concerns regarding human bioenhancement: a critical perspective», by Karolina Kudlek. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Beyond the distinction between moderate and radical life extension: Don´t simply add years to life but add life to years», by Pablo García-Barranquero. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Should dead people be resuscitate», by Pablo de Lora. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«The moral obligation to develop gene editing to enhance humanity», by Julian Savulescu. Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, Granada, 3-4th June, 2019.

-«Realidad virtual y mejora de la empatía: aspectos éticos», by Jon Rueda Etxebarría. Seminario Abierto sobre Mejora Humana, Granada, 26th February, 2019.

-«Es el envejecimiento una enfermedad? Una respuesta desde la filosofía de la medicina», by Pablo García Barranquero. Seminario Abierto sobre Mejora Humana, Granada, 26th February, 2019

-“Presentation of the Project BIOethAI+: Artificial Intelligence and Biotechnologies of Moral Enhancement: Ethical Aspects”. Jon Rueda. Workshop on Ethics and Political Philosophy of the Spanish Association of Ethics and Political Philosophy, Madrid, 30th May 2019

-“Anticipatory Bioethics of Human Enhancement Emerging Technologies”. Jon Rueda. International Conference “Transhumanism: Anthropological, Legal, Ethical and Theological Challenges” of the Pontifical University of Comillas, 29th May 2019, in Madrid

-“Approach to Morphological Freedom: Conceptual History, Technological Possibilities and Ethical Aspects. Jon Rueda. Sixth Seminar of the Andalusian Network of Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Málaga, 12th April 2019

-“Is aging a disease? The theoretical definition of aging in the light of the philosophy of medicine. Pablo García Barranquero & Cristian Saborido. SOPhiA, Salzburg, date: 18/09/2019 – 20/09/201

– «Ciencia, ética y política en la evaluación de riesgos», Javier Rodríguez. Seminarios del CRAG. Centre de Recerca en Agrigenómica (CRAG); Bellaterra, Barcelona. 27 de marzo de 2019

-«A new framework for thinking about life extension». Pablo García Barranquero. IX Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. City: Madrid, Spain. Star-End date: 13/11/2018 – 16/11/2018

-“Rethinking Human Animality from Transhumanism and Posthumanism. Jon Rueda. First Animal Studies Conference: Rethinking Animality, Santiago de Compostela, 27 September 2018.

-“Toward a Critique of Transhumanist Reason. About the future of the human beings. Jon Rueda. FiloLab-International Summer School: “Emotions and Judgement: Argumentation, biases and public affairs”.

-“Virtual Reality Glasses to Foster Moral Motivation: Potentials and Limits”. Jon Rueda. Fourth Seminar on Practical Ethics: Applied Ethics in Spain, 8th September 2018, Granada

-“Technoscience, Transhumanism and Promises: Approach to a Democratic Science”. Jon Rueda. Third Conference on Critical Though and Scientific Dissemination: “Science and Ideology”, Valencia,  6th March 201

-“Old ideas from a new philosophical model: Levels and means of human life extension. Pablo García Barranquero. 32st Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. City: Lisbon, Portugal. Star-End date: 22/08/2018 – 25/08/2018

-«Ética y progreso en la era digital», Javier Rodríguez. Jornada sobre ¿Dónde nos llevan la inteligencia artificial y la protección de datos? (organizado por la Asociación Diálogo). IA Business School de Madrid. 23 de octubre de 2018.

-«Biomejora moral de delincuentes psicópatas», by Francisco Lara. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-«¿Lleva la biomejora moral al ocaso del utilitarismo?», by Francisco Lara. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-«Biomejora moral y antiespecismo. ¿Qué implicaría el aumento de la motivación altruista para los animales?», By Olga Campos. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-«Do Competitive Frameworks Promote Opposition to Cognitive Enhancement», by Blanca Rodríguez. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-«¿Necesitamos una biomejora moral para combatir el cambio climático?», By Jon Rueda. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

«Mejora moral y la tesis de la mente extendida», by Paloma García. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-«Cooperación máquina-ser humano», by Aníbal Monasterio. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-«Cuando la robótica e inteligencia artificial superan las limitaciones funcionales del diseño humano», by Miguel Moreno. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018

-«Cuestiones bioéticas sobre le biomejora: el caso del modafinilo», by Paloma García. XIX Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política, Congreso Internacional AEEFP-SIEU, Ferrol, October, 2018.

-“The Science and Ethics of Moral Enhancement”, by Julian Savulescu. 28 June 2018. University of Riejka, Croatia. 

-“Moral Artificial Intelligence”, by Julian Savulescu. 17 May 2018. Ethics and Emerging Technologies: Uehiro-Carnegie-Oxford Conference 2018, Carnegie Council, New York. 

-“The science and ethics of moral enhancement”, by Julian Savulescu. Centre for Ethics at Toronto University, 16 March 2018.

-“The Science and Ethics of Human Enhancement”, by Julian Savulescu. 15 March 2018.  Rotman Institute of Philosophy Western University, London, Ontario

-«Análisis filosófico de la propuesta de David Chalmers sobre el volcado de la mente», by Pablo García Barranquero and Antonio Diéguez. III Congreso de la Asociación de Filosofía de la Biología Hispanoamericana, AFIBI, June 26- 29th, 2018, Bogotá, Colombia.

-«Global Governance of AI» by Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza. Workshop: Smart Technologies and Fundamental Rights. 15th June 2018. The University of Stockholm, Stockholm.

-«Big Data e Inteligencia Artificial humana y responsable», by Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza. Gogleados: ¿Ante el oráculo o frente al panóptico?.  26th April 2018. Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid.

-«Envejecimiento y muerte retos actuales para la filosofía», by Pablo García Barranquero. IX Simposio FICUM, Universidad de Málaga, 4th Abril, 2018.

-«AI moral-legal enhancement» by Stephen Rainey and Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza. AI Oxford. 27th March 2018. University of Oxford, Oxford.

-«Proyecto BIOethAI+», by Francisco Lara and Miguel Moreno. V Seminario de la Red Andaluza de Ética y Filosofía Política. Universidad de Cádiz, March 23th, 2018.

-«La biomejora moral ante el desafío del cambio climático», by Jon Rueda Etxebarria. V Seminario de la Red Andaluza de Ética y Filosofía Política. Universidad de Cádiz, March 23th, 2018.

-«Minimalismo político y debates sociales: trabajo social, mejora humana e inteligencia artificial», by Javier Rodríguez Alcázar. Las Aristas de la Argumentación: Coloquio internacional sobre Argumentación, Literatura y Política. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, February 12th, 2018.

-«Ética y política de la edición genética», by Javier Rodríguez Alcázar.  ¿Está la sociedad preparada para la edición genética? Escola Europea d’Humanitats, Barcelona, March 6-7th, 2018. 

-«What if Siri became Socratic? Artificial Intelligence and moral enhancement», by Francisco Lara. New Technologies and Human Enhancement. A Workshop with Nicholas Agar. University of Málaga, February 2nd, 2018.

-«Moral-Me: the use of Artificial Intelligence for moral enhancement», by Anibal Monasterio. New Technologies and Human Enhancement. A Workshop with Nicholas Agar. University of Málaga, February 2nd, 2018.

-«Biases in risk assessment of Artificial Intelligence for military purposes», by Miguel Moreno. New Technologies and Human Enhancement. A Workshop with Nicholas Agar. University of Málaga, February 2nd, 2018.

-«The very idea of a moderate life extension. A bridge between caloric restriction and successful aging», by Pablo García-Barranquero. New Technologies and Human Enhancement. A Workshop with Nicholas Agar. University of Málaga, February 2nd, 2018.

-«CRISPR and prenatal enhancement. Freedom, social pressure and coercion», by Blanca Rodríguez. New Technologies and Human Enhancement. A Workshop with Nicholas Agar. University of Málaga, February 2nd, 2018.

-«Moral bioenhancement and Utilitarianism: for better or worse?», by Karolina Kudlek. New Technologies and Human Enhancement. A Workshop with Nicholas Agar. University of Málaga, February 2nd, 2018.

-“Advantages of Genetic manipulation over selection in the context of Procreative Beneficence”, by Blanca Rodríguez López. International Conference “Gene Editing: Biomedical and Ethical Perspectives. Belgrado, August, 2017

-“Moral Permisibility and bioenhancement”, by Blanca Rodríguez López.  I Encuentro AEFEX (Asociación Española de Filosofía Experimental, Madrid, May 2017

-“CRISPR and Procreative Beneficence”, by Blanca Rodríguez López. IIIInternational Workshop on Bioethics, Madrid, February, 2018

-“Prenatal Enhancement; Social Pressure and Coercion”, by Blanca Rodríguez López.  ISUS, Karlsruhe, Germany. July, 2018

-“Unfit for the Future? Lessons on Human Physical, Cognitive, Emotional and Moral Enhancement”, by Julian Savulescu. 28 October 2017. Vermont Oxford Network Annual Conference. Chicago, USA. Keynote.

-“Moral Enhancement and Praiseworthiness”, by Julian Savulescu. 14 September 2017. Neuroscience and Society: Ethical, Legal and Clinical Implications of Neuroscience Research. Sydney, Australia

-“Enhancement”, by Julian Savulescu 11 May 2017. Global Futures Council, World Economic Forum Webinar (co-presented with Anders Sandberg). 

-“Enhancement, designer babies and conscientious objection”, by Julian Savulescu. 8 May 2017. CAVE, Maquarie University and UNSW Seminar, Sydney, Australia

-“Future Directions: Where to Now?”, by Julian Savulescu 24 November 2017. Policing and AI conference, St Anne’s College, Oxford

-“Dealing Ethically with Human Moral Limitations and Disruption”, by Julian Savulescu  20 March 2018. Workshop on the Future of Government. Christ Church, Oxford

-“Fit for the Future”, by Julian Savulescu. 5 December 2017. Orchestrating Major Projects Programme, Said Business School, Oxford

-“Dealing Ethically with Human Moral Limitations and Disruption”, by Julian Savulescu. 4 April 2017.  Workshop on the Future of Government. Christ Church, Oxford

-“Just Say No to Drugs?”, by Julian Savulescu. 9 february 2017.  Biomedical Enhancements at Work. Baker MacKenzie, London, UK

-“Unfit for the Future: The Urgent Need for Moral Bioenhancement”, by Julian Savulescu. 17 May 2017.  SOPHIS Annual Lecture, Mlebourne, Australia

-“Ethics of the Genomic Revolution : Designer babies and Moral Bioenhancement”, by Julian Savulescu. 28 November 2017. Worcester Medical Society, Oxford

-“The Moral Imperative to Enhancement Human Beings”, by Julian Savulescu. 6 June 2017. John Radcliffe Womens Hospital Oxford.

-«Dual-use research of BCI: Safety, ethical and data protection considerations on neurotechnology».  International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Information. 7th December 2017, University of Porto, Portugal.

-«Requisitos éticos para las neuromejoras de la motivación moral», by Francisco Lara. Unidad de Bioética de la Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. México. November 17th, 2017.

-«Ética robótica: Diseño de software y algoritmos morales para la implantación de tecnología digital y robótica en la sociedad» by Anibal Monasterio Astobiza. VII Congreso Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad. 19th October 2017. Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU, Valencia.

-«Ética militar y robótica: Drones, robots militares, sistemas de armas autónomas letales y la transformación de la naturaleza de la guerra en el siglo XXI» by Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza. II Congreso Internacional de la REF (Red Española de Filosofía). 13th September 2017, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza

-“Vehículos autónomos en situaciones de emergencia: contra el modelo del dilema moral”, by Javier Rodríguez Alcázar. XIV Taller Dilemata de Éticas Aplicadas. September 4-5th, 2017, San Sebastián.

“¿Deberíamos limitar la responsabilidad de los agentes morales hacia los animales?», by Olga Campos Serena. XIV Taller Dilemata de Éticas Aplicadas. September 4-5th, 2017, San Sebastián.

-“Animales no humanos y Enhancement: ¿Tendríamos que mejorar las capacidades de todos los miembros de la comunidad moral? IV Seminario de la Red Andaluza de Ética y Filosofía Política (RAEFP). April 7th, 2017, Jaén.

-«Bases neuronales de la moralidad humana: un estado de la cuestión y propuesta teórica para el Derecho» by Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza. VI Jornadas Internacionales de FilosofÍa del Derecho de la UNAM. 13 November 2017.  Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Ciudad de México, México.

-«Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y mejora moral», by Francisco Lara. V Jornadas Internacionales de Filosofía del Derecho de la UNAM. México, November 13-15, 2017.

-«Political Minimalism and Social Debates: the Case of Human-Enhancement Technologies», by Francisco Javier Rodríguez Alcázar. First session of Human Enhancement Seminars. Granada, March 28th, 2017

-«Do driverless vehicles face moral dilemmas?», by Javier Rodríguez Alcázar. Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2017: The Ethics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Zagreb, Croatia, June 5-7, 2017

-«The viability of `embedded ethics´ in robotic military systems without humans in the decision loop», by Miguel Moreno Muñoz. Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2017: The Ethics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Zagreb, Croatia, June 5-7, 2017

-«Artificial Intelligence and Moral Enhancement», by Francisco Lara Sánchez. Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2017: The Ethics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Zagreb, Croatia, June 5-7, 2017

-«The ethics of AI and AI based modelling of ethics», by Anibal Monaterio Astobiza. Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2017: The Ethics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Zagreb, Croatia, June 5-7, 2017

-«Longer lives? Understanding the human life extension possibilities, by Pablo García. Ninth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP9), University of Munich, Germany, 21 – 26 August 2017

-«Health, life extension and successful aging: a philosophical approach», by Pablo García. 31st Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, 16-19 August, Belgrade, Serbia

-«Is mind uploading a type of human life extension?», by Pablo García. Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, University of Adelaide, Australia, 2-6 July,

2017-«New Jerusalem or Ghost in a Machine? Philosophical questions of Mind
Uploading», by Pablo García. Philosophy Programme Postgraduate Seminar, 19 May 2017, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

-«Healthy life extension, but what is health?», by Pablo García. Workshop on Ethics, Disease, and the Future of Health, 14 March 2017, University of Granada

-Human Enhancement Seminars: “Political Minimalism and Social Debates: the Case of Human-Enhancement Technologies”, by Francisco Javier Rodríguez Alcázar, Granada, 28th March, 2017.


linked projects

Mejora Project

2013 - 2016


2020 - 2023



Francisco Lara

Departamento de Filosofía I

Facultad de Psicología

Campus de Cartuja

Universidad de Granada

18071 Granada



Esta página web ha sido financiada por FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Proyecto BioethAI+ (FFI2016-79000-P).

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BIOEthAl+ project 2017 – 2019

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