Online International Geometry Symposium in honor of Prof. Aysel Turgut Vanli

Munzur University and Amasya University (Türkiye)

It will be held online, without fees. The symposium is dedicated to the 60th birthday of Prof. Aysel TURGUT VANLI, a faculty member of Gazi University, Department of Mathematics.
Invited speakers:
Bang-Yen CHEN (Michigan State University, USA), Ryszard DESZCZ (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland), Rajendra PRASAD (University of Lucknow, India), Zafar AHSAN (Aligarh Muslim University, India), Giulia DILEO (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy), Beldjilali GHERICI (University of Mascara, Algeria), Majid Ali CHOUDARY (Maulana Azad National University of Urdu, India).