Peridotitas de la Serranía de Ronda



Capítulos de libros

  • Leblanc, M. y Gervilla-Linares, F. (1988). Platinum-Group Elements and Au distribution in Ni arsenide-chromite veins from the rifo-betic lherzolite massifs (Morocco-Spain). Geoplatinum`87, Eds: Prichard et al. Elsevier Applied Science, 181-198.
  • Gervilla, F. (1992). Depósitos de cromita-arseniuros de Ni-(Au-EGP) y de sulfuros de Fe-Ni-Cu y grafito asociados a las rocas ultramáficas del sur de España. En: Recursos Minerales de España, Edit: J. García Guinea y J. Martínez Frias. C.S.I.C. Colección:»Textos Universitarios» vol. 15, 275-289.


Publicaciones en revistas

  • Leblanc, M., Gervilla, F. y Jedwab, J. (1990). Noble metals segregation and fractionation in magmatic ores from Ronda and Beni Bousera lherzolite massifs (Spain, Morocco). Mineralogy & Petrology, 42 (1-4), 133-248.
  • Gervilla, F. y Leblanc, M. (1990). Magmatic ores in high-temperature alpine-type lherzolite massifs (Ronda, Spain, and Beni Bousera, Morocco). Economic Geology, 85, 112-132.
  • Gervilla, F. y Rønsbo, J. (1992). New Data on (Ni, Fe, Co) diarsenides and sulpharsenides in chromite-niccolite ores from Málaga province, south Spain. Neues Jahbr. Mineralogie Mh., H.5, 193-206.
  • Torres-Ruiz, J., Garuti, G., Gazzoti, M., Gervilla, F. y Fenoll Hach-Alí, P. (1996). Platinum-group minerals in chromitites from the Ojén lherzolite massif (Serranía de Ronda, Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain). Mineralogy and Petrology, 56, 25-50.
  • Lenoir, X., Garrido, C.J., Bodinier, J.-L., Dautria, J.-M. y Gervilla, F. (2001). The recrystallization front of the Ronda peridotite: Evidence for melting and thermal erosion of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Alborán basin. Journal of Petrology, 42 (1), 141-158.
  • Morishita, T., Arai, S. y Gervilla, F. (2001). High-pressure aluminous mafic rocks from the Ronda peridotite massif, Southern Spain: significance of sapphirine- and corundum-bearing mineral assemblages. Lithos, 57, 143-161.
  • Hem, S.R., Makovicky, E. y Gervilla, F. (2001). Compositional trends in Fe, Co and Ni sulfarsenides and their crystal chemical implications: results from the Arroyo de la Cueva deposits, Ronda Peridotite, South Spain. The Canadian Mineralogist, 39 (3), 831-854.
  • Gervilla, F., Gutiérrez-Narbona, R. y Fenoll-Hach-Alí, P. (2002). The origin of different types of magmatic mineralizations from small-volume melts in the lherzolite massifs of the Serranía de Ronda. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía 25, 79-96
    Gervilla et al.2002_BSEM.pdf
  • Morishita, T., Arai, S., Gervilla, F. y Green, D.H. (2003). Closed-system geochemical recycling of crustal materials in alpine-type peridotite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (2), 303-310.
  • Gutiérrez-Narbona, R., Lorand, J.P., Gervilla, F. y Gros, M. (2003). New data on base metal mineralogy and platinum-group minerals in the Ojén chromitites (Serranía de Ronda, Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain). Neues Jahbr. Mineralogie Abh.179 (2), 143-173.
  • Villasante-Marcos, V., Osete, M.L., Gervilla, F. y García-Dueñas, V. (2003). Paleomagnetic study of the Ronda peridotites (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain). Tectonophysics 377, 119-141.
  • Crespo, E., Luque, F.J., Rodas, M., Wada, H. y Gervilla, F. (2006). Graphite-sulfide veins in Ronda and Beni Bousera orogenic lherzolites (Spain and Morocco) and the origin of Carbon in mantle-derived rocks. Gondwana Research 9, 279-290.
  • Bodinier, J.-L., Garrido, C.J., Chanefo, I. Bruguier, O. y Gervilla, F. (2008). Origin of pyroxenite-peridotite veined mantle by refertilization reactions: Evidence from the Ronda Peridotite (S. Spain). Journal of Petrology, 49, 999-1025.
  • Morishita, T., Arai, S., Ishida, Y., Tamura, A. y Gervilla, F. (2009). Constraints on the evolutionary history of aluminous mafic rocks in the Ronda peridotite massif (Spain) from trace-element compositions of clinopyroxene and garnet. Geochemical Journal 43 (3), 191-206.
  • Marchesi, C., Garrido, C.J., Bosh, D., Bodinier, J.L., Hidas, K., Padrón-Navarta, J.A. y Gervilla, F. (2012). A late Oligocene supra-subduction setting in the westernmost Mediterranean revealed by intrusive pyroxenite dykes in the Ronda peridotite (southern Spain). Journal of Geology 120 (2), 237-247.
  • Marchesi, C., Garrido, C.J., Bosch, D., Bodinier, J.L., Gervilla, F. y Hidas, K. (2013). Mantle refertilization by melts of crustal-derived garnet pyroxenite: Evidence from the Ronda peridotite massif, southern Spain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 362, 66-75.
  • Piña, R., Gervilla, F., Barnes, S.-J., Ortega, L. y Lunar, R. (2013). Partition coefficients of platinum-group and chalcophile elements between arsenide and sulfide phases as determined in the Amasined sulfide-graphite mineralization (Beni Bousera, North Morocco). Economic Geology 108, 935-951.
  • Marchesi, C. Dale, C.W., Garrido, C.J., Pearson, D.G., Bosh, D., Bodinier, J.L. Gervilla, F. y Hidas, K. (2014). Fractionation of highly siderophile elements in refertilized mantle: implications for the Os isotope composition of basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 400, 33-44.
  • Piña, R., Gervilla, F., Barnes, S.-J, Ortega, L. y Lunar, R. (2015). Liquid immiscibility between arsenide and sulfide melts: evidence from LA-ICP-MS study in magmatic deposits from Serranía de Ronda (Spain). Mineralium Deposita 50, 265-279.
  • González-Jiménez, J.M., Marchesi, C., Griffin, W.L., Gervilla, F., Belousova, E.A., Garrido, C.J., Romero, R., Talavera, C., Leisen, M., O’Reilly, S.Y., Barra, F. y Martin, L. (2017). Zircon recycling and crystallization during formation of chromite- and Ni-arsenide ores in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (Serranía de Ronda, Spain). Ore Geology Reviews 90, 193-209.
  • Baurier-Aymat, S., Jiménez-Franco, A., Roqué-Rosell, J., González-Jiménez, J.M., Gervilla, F., Proenza, J.A., Mendoza, J. y Nieto, F. (2019). Nanoscale Structure of Zoned Laurites from the Ojén Ultramafic Massif, Southern Spain. Minerals 9, 288.
  • Neuveck, A., Broman, C., Ivarson, M., Holm, N.G., Whitehouse, M., Nilsson, S., Geppert, W. y Gervilla, F. (2020). Isotopic signatures of carbon in the “Los Pobres” graphite mine, Ronda, Spain. Journal of Petrology 61 (4), egaa042.
  • Lorand, J.P., Pont, S., Gutierez-Narbona, R. y Gervilla, F. (2021). Chalcophile-siderophile element systematics and regional-scale magmatic percolation in the Ronda peridotite massif (Spain). Lithos, 105901.