I am at the Department of Ecology in the University of Granada (UGR) as Full Professor since 2018. I got my PhD in this university in 1995 working on the influence of nutrient recycling on microbial food web in alpine lakes. From 1995-1998, I was a postdoc at the Institute of Ecosystem Studies (IES, now Cary IES) working on bio- and photo-reactivity of dissolved organic matter in temperate lakes. Since my return to the UGR, I has been working on the influence of Saharan dust on aquatic ecosystems and its role as vector of microbial dispersal. In addition, I enjoyed several oceanographic projects (Southern Ocean and Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation) with goals related with dissolved organic matter characterization and exopolymer particles and their role in global carbon cycle. Currently, we are working on C and N biogeochemistry and microbial ecology in saline wetlands and reservoirs.
I love teach, and the interactions with the students. They make me feel in continuous renovation and younger (something that, of course, I really like more and more). I usually teach Population Ecology at undergrad level. My post-grade teaching is on Microbial Biogeography and Creativity, Rigor and Communication in Science.
Contact info
Dr. Isabel Reche
Departamento de Ecología
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
Campus Fuentenueva s/n
18071 Granada
Telephone: +34 958 241000 Ext 20018
E-mail: ireche [AT] ugr.es
Web Page: http://wpd.ugr.es/~ireche/