Judíos, Cristianos y Musulmanes de Siria-Palestina (siglos XII-XVII) Ref. FFI2010-16633

Libros de Viajes: Repertorios y Antologías.

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HAKLUYT, Richard The Principall navigations, voiages and discoveries of the English nation,: made by sea or ouer land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres: Diuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the regions whereunto they were directed. ... 1552-1616
GRUENHUT, Eleazar Sibuv R. Petaḥyah mi-Regenśburg ; Mas'ot R. Ya'akov b. R. Netan'el ; Mas'ot R. Binyamin mi-Ṭudilah. Yerushalayim, ḥ. mo. l, 1967 1850-1913
GOLUBOVICH, Girolamo Biblioteca bio-bibliografica della Terra Santa e dell'Oriente Francescano. Quaracchi (Florencia, Italia), Collegio di S. Bonaventura, 1906-1927. 1906-1927
GOEJE, Michael Jan de Selections from Arabic Geographical Literature. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1907 1836-1909
GARCÍA-ROMERAL PÉREZ, Carlos Bio-bibliografías de viajeros españoles: (siglo XVI-XVII). Madrid, Ollero y Ramos, 1998. 1957-
GARCÍA-ROMERAL PÉREZ, Carlos Diccionario de viajeros españoles: desde la Edad Media a 1970. Madrid, Ollero y Ramos, 2004. 1957-
FOULCHÉ-DELBOSC, Raymond Bibliographie des voyages en Espagne et en Portugal. Paris, H. Welter, 1896 1864-1929
FEYERABEND, Sigmund Reyssbuch dess Heyligen Lands, das ist, ein grundtliche Beschreibung aller und jeder Meer und Bilgerfahrten zum Heyligen Lande. Beneben ... eigentlicher Beschreibung ... Palestinæ ... Ferrner auch der ... Land Indien und Persien ... Endlich von gemeldter Ort ... jetziger Eynwohner, Türcken und Araber... Franckfort am Mayn, Feyerabendt, 1584. 1528-1590
EISENSTEIN, Judah David Otsar masa'ot: Ḳovets tiyurim shel nos'im Yehudim be-Erets Yi'sra'el, Surya, Mitsrayim ṿe-artsot aḥerot. Reshimot 'ole regel le-ḳivre Avot u-ḳedoshim 'im mapot, he'arot u-mafteaḥ. New York, Y. D. Aizenshṭain, 1926 1854-1956
EDEN, Richard The history of trauayle in the VVest and East Indies: and other countreys lying eyther way towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes, as Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Aegypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan : vvith a discourse of the Northwest passage. Imprinted at London, By Richarde Iugge, 1577. 1521?-1576