We publish here the announcement below, sent to us by the organisers:
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce that the Atlantic Conference in Nonlinear PDEs – Dispersive and Elliptic Equations and Systems will take place from October 30 to November 3, 2023 in Lisbon, at Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa; its goal is to bring together the somewhat parallel communities working in the two titular areas. The conference is free, but anyone wishing to attend is asked to register via the website
where more information is available, including a provisional list of
plenary speakers.
Proposals for contributed talks or posters are welcome, and may be
submitted until May 31st, 2023 (follow the steps given in the registration form).
We would appreciate it if you could forward this message to any other colleagues or students who may be interested. We expect to have some funding available to support younger researchers (more details will be provided in the near future). We hope to see you in Lisbon in October!
Best regards,
the organizers (Simão Correia, James Kennedy, Hugo Tavares, Gianmaria Verzini)