From the “Red de EDPs No Locales y Aplicaciones” we would like to remind you that we will hold a meeting on the topic at the University of Granada, from October 26 to 28, 2022, the “Young Researcher’s Workshop on Nonlocal PDEs and Applications”. A preliminary webpage and list of speakers are available at
We would like to encourage you to register for the event, and to send this to young researchers on the topic, who may be especially interested. Registration is open and free, but please let us know if you intend to come so that we can plan accordingly. In order to register please send an email to José Cañizo including:
Full name, affiliation and email
Days you intend to stay for the workshop.
Whether you would like to request funding from the network to cover accommodation, trip, or both.
There is still available funding from the network to attend the event. Please let us know whether you would like to request this when registering for the workshop, and we will send you an answer as soon as possible.
We hope to see you in Granada. Best regards,
The organisers
José Cañizo
Juan Soler