

  • “The Concept of Affective Polarization and the Ways to Measure it”, SEWing Circle workshop, UConn, CT, United States. December 15.
  • “Retraction in public settings. Testing contextualist and relativist intuitions”, Brown Bag Seminar, UConn, CT, United States. November 16.
  • “Crossed disagreement and polarization”, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA, United States. Organized by the Department of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. November 3-5.
  • “Hacia los desacuerdos cruzados: Un camino pintoresco”, Nuevas perspectivas de la epistemología del desacuerdo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico. September 2. With Neftalí Villanueva.
  • “Is polarization an epistemic phenomenon?”, Truth & Politics Workshop, Storrs (UConn) CT, U.S. May 25-26.






  • “Wittgensteinian expressivism of doxastic avowals”. Lublin-Granada Workshop Epistemological and cognitive analyses of cognition, beliefs and knowledge. University of Granada (Granada, Spain). 26th-27th September.
  • “Political polarisation: An extended notion of affective polarisation”. Open Minds XIV. University of Manchester (Manchester, UK). 1st-2nd August.
  • “¿Es la injusticia testimonial epistémica? Let me count the ways”. FiloLab-International Summer School. University of Granada (Granada, Spain). 8th-12th July. With Llanos Navarro Laespada.
  • “Polarización política: polarización expresiva o en actitudes”. IV Congreso de Postgrado de la SLMFCE. University of Basque Country (San Sebastián, Spain). 6th-7th June.
  • “Detección temprana de procesos de polarización: desacuerdos cruzados y polarización afectiva ampliada”. 2nd PhDialogues Meeting. University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain). 30th-31th May. With Javier Osorio Mancilla.
  • “Affordances e injusticia social”. IES Guadalentín (Pozo Alcón, Jaén). 1stFebruary.





  • “Atribución de creencias y la autoridad de primera persona”. Primer Encuentro Conjunto Physis-Filosofía y Análisis. Complutense University of Madrid (Madrid, Spain). 27th November.
  • “Experiencia y expresión”. Conocimiento, significado y agencia. EPISOC. Autonomous University of Madrid (Madrid, Spain). 29th May. With Daniel Galdeano Manzano.
  • “Usos no descriptivos del vocabulario perceptivo”. Lunch Seminar. University of Granada (Granada, Spain). 24th May. With Daniel Galdeano Manzano.