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Selección de bibliografía internacional sobre historia de la anticoncepción y los derechos reproductivos en la que se incluyen también trabajos sobre la historia del movimiento feminista durante la transición democrática en España. Todos los libros están disponibles para su consulta y/o préstamo en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada.


- Brodie, Janet Farrell. 1994. Contraception and abortion in nineteenth-century America. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

- Cannold, Leslie. 2000. Abortion myth. Feminism, morality, and the hard choices women make. Hanover; London: University Press of New England.

- Cartwright, Ann. 2009. Parents and family planning services. Aldine: Transaction Publishers.

- Casper, Monica J. 1998. The making of the unborn patient: A social anatomy of fetal surgery. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

- Chen, Constance M. 1996. "The sex side of life": Mary Ware Dennett's pioneering battle for birth control and sex education. New York: New Press.

- Chesler, Ellen. 2007. Woman of valor: Margaret Sanger and the birth control movement in America. New York: Simon & Schuster.

- Coates, Patricia Walsh. 2008. Margaret Sanger and the origin of the birth control movement, 1910-1930: The concept of women's sexual autonomy. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.

- Cody, Lisa Forman. 2005. Birthing the nation: Sex, science, and the conception of eighteenth-century Britons. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Coliver, Sandra. 1995. Right to know: Human rights and access to reproductive health information. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

- Davis, Kathy. 2007. The making of "Our bodies, ourselves": How feminism travels across borders. Durham; London: Duke University Press.

- de Luna Freire, Maria Martha. 2009. Mulheres, mães e médicos: Discurso maternalista no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV.

- Dixon, Elizabeth Whitaker. 2000. Measuring mamma's milk: Fascism and the medicalization of maternity in Italy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

- Feinman, Clarice. 1992. The criminalization of a woman's body. New York: Harrington Park Press.

- Franklin, Sarah, and Helena Ragoné, eds. 1998. Reproducing reproduction: Kinship, power and technological innovation. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

- Galeotti, Giulia. 2004 [2003]. Historia del aborto. Los muchos protagonistas e intereses de una larga vicisitud. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

- Gordon, Linda. 2002. Moral property of woman. A history of birth control politics in America. Chicago: University of Illinois.

- Grant, Nicole J. 1993. The selling of contraception: The Dalcon Shield case, sexuality, and women's autonomy. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.

- Greenhouse, Linda, and Reva Siegel. 2010. Before Roe v Wade: Voices that shaped the abortion debate before the Supreme Court's ruling. New York: Kaplan Publishing.

- Hajo, Cathy Moran. 2010. Birth control on main street: Organizing clinics in the United States, 1916-1939. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

- Himes, Norman E. [1936] 1970. Medical history of contraception. New York: Schocken Books.

- Hull, N. E. H., and Charles Hoffer. 2001. Roe v. Wade: The abortion rights controversy in American history. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.

- Kaplan, Laura. 1995. The story of Jane. New York: Pantheon.

- Klepp, Susan E. 2009. Revolutionary conceptions: Women, fertility, and family limitation in America, 1760-1820. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

- Kline, Wendy. 2010. Bodies of knowledge: Sexuality, reproduction, and women's health in the second wave. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

- Kluchin, Rebecca M. 2009. Fit to be tied: Sterilization and reproductive rights in America, 1950-1980. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

- Knibiehler, Ivonne. 2001. Historia de las madres y de la maternidad en occidente. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

- Latham, Melanie. 2002. Regulating reproduction: A century of conflict in Britain and France.

- McCann, Carole R. 1994. Birth control politics in the United States, 1916-1945. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

- Meyer, Jimmy Elaine Wilkinson. 2004. Any friend of the movement: Networking for birth control, 1920-1940. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.

- Nari, Marcela. 2005. Políticas de maternidad y maternalismo político. Buenos Aires: Biblios.

- Nie, Jing-Bao. 2005. Behind the silence: Chinese voices on abortion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

- Pfeffer, Naomi. 1993. The stork and the syringe. A political history of reproductive medicine. Oxford: Polity Press.

- Ragoné, Helena, and France Widdance Twine. 2000. Ideologies and technologies of motherhood: Race, class, sexuality, nationalism. London; New York: Routledge.

- Ramos, Silvina, Mónica Gogna, Mónica Petracci, Mariana Romero, and Dalia Szulik, eds. 2001. Los médicos frente a la anticoncepción y el aborto. ¿Una transición ideológica? Buenos Aires: Cedes.

- Raymond, Janice G. 1993. Women as wombs: Reproductive technologies and the battle over women's freedom. San Francisco: Harper.

- Reagan, Leslie J. 1998. When abortion was a crime: Women, medicine, and law in the United States, 1867-1973. Berkeley: University of California Press.

- Riddle, John M. 1997. Eve's herbs. A history of contraception and abortion in the West. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

- Rosen, Robyn L. 2003. Reproductive health, reproductive rights: Reformers and the politics of maternal welfare, 1917-1940. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.

- Sanger, Margaret. 2009. Birth control review. Memphis: General Books.

- Schoen, Johanna. 2005. Choice & coercion: Birth control, sterilization, and abortion in public health and welfare. Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

- Silliman, Jael Miriam... [et al.]. 2004. Undivided rights: Women of color organize for reproductive justice. Cambridge: South End Press.

- Stanworth, Michelle. 1987. Reproductive technologies: Gender, motherhood, and medicine. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

- Stetson, Dorothy McBride, ed. 2001. Abortion politics, women's movement and the democratic state: A comparative study of state feminism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Tentler, Leslie Woodcock. 2004. Catholics and contraception: An American history. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

- Teman, Elly. 2010. Birthing a mother. The surrogate body and the pregnant self. Berkeley: University of California Press.

- Tobin, Kathleen A. 2002. The American religious debate over birth control 1907-1937. Jefferson: MacFarland.

- Tone, Andrea. 2001. Devices and desires: A history of contraceptives in America. New York: Hill and Wang.

- Tone, Andrea. 1996. Controlling reproduction: An American history. Wilmington: SR Books.

- Unnithan Kumar, Maya, ed. 2004. Reproductive agency, medicine, and the state. Oxford; New York: Berghahn Books.

- Usborne, Cornelie. 2007. Cultures of abortion in Weimar Germany. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books.

- Weitz, Rose, ed. 2010. The politics of women's bodies: Sexuality, appearance, and behavior. New York: Oxford University Press.

- Williams, Doone, Greer Williams, and Emily P. Flint. 1978. Every child a wanted child: Clarence James Gamble and his work in the birth control movement. Boston: Boston Medical Library in the Countway Library of Medicine.

- Woyce, James. 1988. Birth control in Germany, 1971-1933. Oxford: Routledge.
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