An innovative methodological approach for measuring multidimensional poverty in Andalusia



Resultados del Proyecto

Un enfoque metodológico innovador para medir la pobreza multidimensional en Andalucía

Resultados del Proyecto

2021 – 2023


European Union Cohesion Policy

Sánchez, A., & Jiménez-Fernández, E. (2023). European Union Cohesion Policy: socio-economic vulnerability of the regions and the COVID-19 shock. Applied Research in Quality of Life.

Child material deprivation

Moro-Egido, A.I. & Navarro, M. (2023). Child material deprivation: within region disparities by degree of urbanization. Regional Studies.

Dealing with weighting scheme in composite indicators

Jiménez-Fernández, E., Sánchez, A., & Ortega-Pérez, M. (2022). Dealing with weighting scheme in composite indicators: an unsupervised distance-machine learning proposal for quantitative data. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 83, 101339.

Unsupervised machine learning approach for building composite indicators with fuzzy metrics

Jiménez-Fernández, E., Sánchez, A., & Sánchez-Pérez, E. (2022). Unsupervised machine learning approach for building composite indicators with fuzzy metrics. Expert Systems with Applications, 200, 116927.

Estimating Lower Tail Dependence Between Pairs of Poverty Dimensions in Europe

D’Agostino, A., Deluca, G., & Guégan, D. (2022). Estimating Lower Tail Dependence Between Pairs of Poverty Dimensions in Europe. The Review of Income and Wealth.

Index spaces and standard indices in metric modelling

Erdoğan E., Ferrer-Sapena, A., Sánchez-Pérez, E.A., & Jiménez-Fernández, E. (2022), Index spaces and standard indices in metric modelling. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 27(4), 803-822.

Immigration and social assistance

Smedsvik, B., Iacono, R., & D’Agostino, A. (2022). Immigration and social assistance: Evidence from the Norwegian welfare state. Social and Policy Administration, 56(4), 648-660.

Economic and social prosperity in time of COVID-19 crisis in the European Union

Sánchez, A. (2022). Economic and social prosperity in time of COVID-19 crisis in the European Union (Chapter 11). In V. Jakupec, M. Kelly and M. de Percy (eds.), COVID-19 and Foreign Aid. Nationalism and Global Development in a New World Order. Routledge. ISBN 9781032227115.

Public Policies of Welfare State and Child Poverty in the European Union

Sánchez, A., & Navarro, M. (2021). Public Policies of Welfare State and Child Poverty in the European Union. Sustainability, 13(5), 2725.

Overview of the Quality of Life in Europe

D’Agostino, A., Ghellini, G., Navarro, M., & Sánchez, A. (2021). Overview of the Quality of Life in Europe. In G. Betti & A. Lemmi (eds.), Analysis of Socio-Economic Conditions: Insights from a Fuzzy Multidimensional Approach. Routledge. ISBN 9780367514068.

Child poverty and government social spending in the European Union during the economic crisis

Sánchez, A., & Navarro, M. (2021). Child poverty and government social spending in the European Union during the economic crisis. In C. Perna, (eds.), N. Salvati & F. Chirripa, Book of Short Papers SIS2021. Pearson. (pp. 442-447)

Resultados del Proyecto

2021 – 2023

Conferencias Internacionales: Organización

S03 Challenges in the construction of composite indicators for monitoring public policies

Angeles Sánchez and Eduardo Jiménez-Fernández have organized the Special Session “S03 Challenges in the construction of composite indicators for monitoring public policies” at the International Conference on Regional Science, 19-21 October 2022, Granada (Spain). Fifteen papers have been presented in four rounds of the special session S03, by researchers from Brazil, France, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Resultados del Proyecto

2021 – 2023

Conferencias Internacionales: Presentaciones

DL2 method for assessing the socio-economic vulnerability of the EU regions

Sánchez, A. & Jiménez-Fernández, E. (2022). DL2 method for assessing the socio-economic vulnerability of the EU regions. International Conference on Regional Science, 19-21 October 2022, Granada (Spain).

Assessing vulnerability in small domain of Tuscany

Neri, L. & Crescenzi, F. (2022). Assessing vulnerability in small domain of Tuscany. International Conference on Regional Science, 19-21 October 2022, Granada (Spain).

Child material deprivation

Navarro, M. & Moro-Egido, A.I. (2022). Child material deprivation: within region disparities by degree of urbanization. EALE, 8-10 de September 2022, Padova (Italia).

Public Expenditure and Inequal Income Distribution in EU regions

Ruiz-Martos, M. & Sánchez, A. (2022). Public Expenditure and Inequal Income Distribution in EU regions. Theil decomposition. 61st ERSA Congress, 23-26 August 2022, Pécs (Hungary).

Material and psychosocial deprivation as constitutive factors of the vulnerability to child poverty

Sánchez, A., D’Agostino, A., Giuli, C., & Potsi, A. (2022). Material and psychosocial deprivation as constitutive factors of the vulnerability to child poverty. 20th International Society for Quality-of-life Studies, 3-6 August 2022, Burlington, Vermont (USA).

Subjective poverty as a more comprehensive approach to analysing poverty in Peru

Sánchez, A. & Becerra, V. (2021). Subjective poverty as a more comprehensive approach to analysing poverty in Peru. 19th International Society for Quality-of-life Studies, 23-27 August 2021, Rotterdam (Netherland).

Public spending of the welfare state in the European Union and child poverty in a context of economic crisis

Navarro, M. & Sánchez, A. (2021). Public spending of the welfare state in the European Union and child poverty in a context of economic crisis. 19th International Society for Quality-of-life Studies, 23-27 August 2021, Rotterdam (Netherland).

Measuring vulnerability to child poverty

Sánchez, A., D’Agostino, A., & Potsi, A. (2021). Measuring vulnerability to child poverty: Material and social deprivation. 63rd ISI World Statistics Congress, 11-16 July 2021, Hague (Netherlands).

Child poverty and government social spending in the European Union during the economic crisis

Sánchez, A. & Navarro, M. (2021). Child poverty and government social spending in the European Union during the economic crisis. 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, 21-25 June 2021, Pisa (Italy).

Resultados del Proyecto

2021 – 2023

Movilidades Internacionales y Estancias Breves en la UGR

Three-month stay at the University of Siena

María Victoria Navarro Hernández has completed a three-month stay (September 1, 2022-November 30, 2022) at the University of Siena (Italy) with professors Laura Neri and Gianni Betti, experts in the measurement and study of poverty in vulnerable groups.

Short-term placement at the University of Granada

Antonella D’Agostino and Laura Neri have made a short-term placement at the University of Granada (October 17-23, 2022) to advance the ongoing work with the project team and to participate in the special session S03, organized by the project team at the International Conference on Regional Science (19-21 October 2022, Granada).

Resultados del proyecto

2023 – 2024

International Seminar series


Sesiones celebradas en el marco de los International Seminar series, organizados por el Grupo de Investigación en Economía Pública y Globalización (epic-SEJ393) de la Universidad de Granada (España) y el Departamento de Economía y Estadística (DEPS) de la Universidad de Siena (Italia) – Centro Dagum ASESD.


Prof. Ángeles Sánchez (Universidad de Granada, España) y Prof. Gianni Betti (Universidad de Siena, Italia)

28 Mayo 2024
  • Tracking Gender Differences: Trends in School-to-University Transition and STEM Choices in Italy, by Roberta Cipriano (University of Florence & University of Siena).
  • The role of knowledge in the decision of Granada University students to drink bottled water, by Nazaret Ibañez (University of Granada).

21 Marzo 2024
  • Robust inference for generalized linear models by flip scores approach, by Riccardo De Santis (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Siena).
  • The socioeconomic gradient in waiting times: evaluating the impact of provider choice in a universal healthcare system, by Juan David García Corchero (Substitute Teaching Tutor, University of Granada).

29 Enero 2024
  • Socioeconomic characteristics of poverty in Spain and Andalusia, by Pilar Hernández (PhD student, University of Granada).
  • An attempt to correct the underestimation of inequality measures in cross-survey imputation through generalized additive models for location, scale, and shape, by Lorenzo Mori (PhD student, University of Bologna).

29 Noviembre 2023
  • Driving forces of earning inequalities in the European Union regions, by María J. Ruiz-Martos (Permanent Lecturer, University of Granada).
  • New class of fuzzy multidimensional measures: exploring the many aspects of poverty, by Fernando Flores-Tavares (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Siena).

26 Mayo 2023
  • Job-education mismatch according to a multidimensional and fuzzy approach, by Roberta Cipriano (PhD student, University of Siena).
  • Essay on Poverty in Peru, by Victor Becerra (PhD student, University of Granada).
  • The FuzzyPovertyR package, by Lorenzo Mori (PhD student, University of Bologna).

Resultados del Proyecto

2021 – 2023

Número Especial en la Revista Social Indicators Research

Advanced techniques for constructing indicators and composite indicators

Angeles Sánchez, Antonella D’Agostino, Eduardo Jiménez-Fernández and Laura Neri are the guest editors of the special issue of Social Indicators Research, entitled Advanced techniques for constructing indicators and composite indicators. This special issue is focused on the application of advanced techniques (such as machine learning, fuzzy metrics, distance methods, etc.) in the construction of indicators and also composite indicators to study socioeconomic phenomena such as poverty and deprivation.

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