Contribuciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales:
- Gil-Martín, L. M. and Hernández-Montes, E. (2020). “Influence of the lever arm in the strength design of RC slabs“. 7th International Conference GNP 2020: Civil Engineering–Science and Practice. Kolaṧin (Montenegro) 10-14 March.
- Fernández-Ruiz, M.A.; Moskaleva, A.; Gil-Martín, L. M.; Hernández-Montes, E. (2020). “Design of a compression structure with prestressing tendons inspired by the TWA Flight Center“. 7th International Conference GNP 2020: Civil Engineering–Science and Practice. Kolaṧin (Montenegro) 10-14 March.
- Carbonell-Márquez, J.F.; Gil-Martín, L. M.; Hernández-Montes, E. (2019). “Evaluación de la resistencia a flexión residual de vigas de hormigón armado considerando Regiones-B: un estudio comparativo de diversos modelos“. 5th International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST 2019). Alicante 23 y 25 de Octubre.
- Fernández Ruíz, M.A.; Hernández-Montes, E.; Gil-Martín, L. M. (2018). “Estudio del comportamiento a compresión de hormigones sustituyendo cemento por polvo de neumático“. Primeras Jornadas Internacionales de Valorización de Residuos Industriales y de Demolición para Hormigón Sostenible. Algeciras 29 y 30 de Mayo .
- Gil Martín L. M. ; Hernández-Montes E. (2017). “Clases grabadas en video: un material docente complementario“. V JORNADAS SOBRE INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE Y ADAPTACIÓN AL EEES. Granada.
- Carbonell-Márquez, J. F.; Gil-Martín, L. M.; Hernández-Montes, E. (2015). “Designing compression structures by Topological Mapping”. Congreso: 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST 2015). Sevilla 24-26 Junio.
- Gil-Martín L.M.; Carbonell-Márquez J.F.; Hernández-Montes E. (2015). ”Upper bound to the effective area of concrete in tension”. Congreso: 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST 2015). Sevilla 24-26 Junio.
- Carbonell-Márquez J.F.; Gil-Martín L.M.; Fernández-ruíz M.A.; Hernández-Montes E. (2014). “Asymmetrically reinforced concrete piles in earth retaining systems”. Congreso: 37th Iabse Symposium: Engineering for Progress, Nature and People. Madrid 3-5 Septiembre.
- Gil-Martín L.M.; Hernández-Montes E. (2014). “Optimal Cross-sectional Design for minimum embodied energy”. Congreso: 5th International Conference (GNP 2014). Zabljak (Montenegro) 17-21 Febrero.
- Gil-Martín L.M.; Scepanovic B; Hernández-Montes E. (2014). “Education at Civil Engineering at the University of Granada (Spain)”. Congreso: 5th International Conference (GNP 2014). Zabljak (Montenegro) 17-21 Febrero.
- Šćepanović B., Gil-Martín L.M., Hernández-Montes E., Knežević M., Lučić D. (2013). “Methods for determination of ultimate load of eccentrically patch loaded steel I-girders”. Congreso: 2nd International Congress on Mechanical models in structural engineering (CMMoST 2013).Granada 20 y 21 de Junio.
- Palermo M., Gil-Martin L.M., Hernandez-Montes E., Trombetti M., Aschheim M. (2011). “Refined-compression field theory for thin low-reinforced sandwich panels subjected to reversed cyclic horizontal loads”. Congreso: 1st International Congress on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST 2011). Granada 19-20 Junio.
- Hernández-Díaz A.M., García Román M.D., Gil-Martín L.M., Hernández-Montes E.(2011). “Fixing the Tension Stiffening Effect in the Steel Constitutive Model”. Congreso: 1st International Congress on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST 2011). Granada 19-20 Junio.
- Hernández-Díaz A.M., Gil-Martín L.M., Garcia-Román M.D., Hernández-Montes E. (2011). “Introducing a Degradation Parameter in the Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams”. Congreso: 1st International Congress on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST 2011). Granada 19-20 Junio.
- D. López-Martín, L.M. Gil-Martín, E. Hernández-Montes, M. Aschheim. (2011). “Dominios de deformación referidos a la excentricidad de cálculo para el diseño óptimo de secciones rectangulares solicitadas a flexo-compresión”. Congreso: 1st International Congress on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST 2011). Granada 19-20 Junio.
- L.M. Gil-Martín, E. Hernández-Montes, A. Palomares, M. Pasadas Fernández. (2011). “Modelling and Numerical Solutions of Buried Arch Structural Systems”. Congreso: 4th International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources (MAMERN´11). Saidia (Marruecos) 23-26 Mayo.
- J.F. Carbonell-Márquez; L.M. Gil-Martín, E. Hernández-Montes, M. Aschheim, M. Pasadas Fernández. (2011). “Factor Multiplicador Completo de una Sistema de un Grado de Libertad sometido a Carga Armónica”. Congreso: 4º Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica (4CNIS). Granada 18-20 Mayo.
- M. Aschheim, L. M. Gil-Martín, E. Hernández-Montes. (2010). “Solid Web Bamboo I-Joists”. Congreso: BUILDWELL 2010. Innovative materials for a greener planet. Sausalito (CA-USA).
- B. Scepanovic, L.M. Gil-Martín, D. Lucic, E. Hernández-Montes. (2008). “FEM Modelling of Eccentrically Patch Loaded Steel I-Girders”. Congreso: Modelling Structures. Mostar (Bosnia I Hercegovina)
- B. Scepanovic, L.M. Gil-Martín, E. Hernández-Montes, M. Aschheim, D. Lucic. (2007). “ Reduction in Failure Load of I-Girder under Eccentric Patch Loading”. Congreso: 6th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS-07). Oxford 27-30 Mayo.
- R. Jurado-Piña, L. M. Gil-Martín, E. Hernández-Montes. (2006). “Growth Patterns Applied to Structural Mapping”. Congreso: Workshop on nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (NICSO 2006). Granada 29-30 Junio.
- Scepanovic B., Gil-Martín L.M., Hernández-Montes E., Lucic D. and Aleksic S. (2006). “Smanjenje granicnog opterecenja ekscentricno lokalno opterecenih I-nosaca”. Congreso: 12 JDGK (Yugoslav Association of Structural Engineering). Vrnjacka Banja (Serbia)
- Aschheim M., Gil-Martín L.M., Hernández-Montes E. (2005). “Estudio de la ductilidad de distintos tipos de vigas metálicas para zonas sísmicas”. Congreso: Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería. SEMNI. Granada 4-7 Julio.
- Gil-Martín, L. M. and Hernández-Montes, E. (2020). “Influence of the lever arm in the strength design of RC slabs“. 7th International Conference GNP 2020: Civil Engineering–Science and Practice. Kolaṧin (Montenegro) 10-14 March.