Currently we can use some substances and devices to change the moral motivation of human beings (making them more empathetic, more confident, more reciprocal or less aggressive). However, the effects of these interventions depend on the context or on the individual, and sometimes the effects could be counterproductive. Now we conjecture that these shortcomings in the process of modifying motivations may be remedied if we improve the knowledge and the deliberation of the agent. And we think that in order to do so, which is essential when it comes to act morally, the latest advances in artificial intelligence might prove very useful. We aim at considering, specifically, the possibilities rendered by, on the one hand, the primeval essays on the ethical behavior of robots, and, on the other, the uses of computers for enhancing, updating and more efficiently manage relevant data and also for increasing our logical and deliberative capabilities. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to ethically reflect upon the possibilities of complementing different means of moral bio-enhancement with moral info-enhancement, that is to say, novel applications of computer sciences to moral decision-making.
Francisco Lara (P.I)
Blanca Rodriguez
Hannibal Monastery
Jan Deckers
Julian Savulescu
Miguel Moreno
Paloma Garcia
Pablo Garcia
Pablo De Lora
Olga Campos
Jon Rueda
Sebastian Porsdam
Enrique Caceres
Julia Mosquera
Tomislav Bracanovic
Karolina Kudlek
Remy Debes
Robert Hall
Javier Rodriguez
Francisco Lara
Department of Philosophy I
Faculty of Psychology
Cartuja Campus
University of Granada
18071 Granada
This web page has been financed by FEDER / Ministry of Science and Innovation – State Research Agency / BioethAI + Project (FFI2016-79000-P).
BIOEthAl+ project 2017 – 2019
Designed by Alejandro Doncel