Posters should be in A0 portrait format (841 mm wide, 1189 mm high) or smaller. You must print out your poster before leaving for the conference and bring it with you. Please note that there are no printing facilities at the conference venue. Each poster will be assigned a number and you are asked to attach your poster to the board with the corresponding number (pins will be provided). The poster number is the abstract ID which you can find on Indico after logging in and selecting “My contributions”.
Posters can be displayed for the entire duration of the conference. Presenters can check on Indico whether they should be at their posters for discussions from 19:30 to 20:30 or 20:30 to 21:30. Poster presenters are also requested to upload their presentation via the Indico system before the beginning of the conference. The upload procedure is the same as that for plenary and parallel speakers.