Restaurants, tapas and pubs

Restaurants and bars (tapas) near the venue

Below we include a map with restaurants and bars (tapas) near the venue. You can click on the map to have more information about each of those places. Please, note that this is just a selection, and you can find more options for lunch and dinner in the same area. Most of those places also serve coffee and tea.


Ración: bigger portion of food. Ordering raciones is a good way to have lunch or dinner with a group, sharing the dishes in the centre of the table.

Menú del día: Set menu (usually on weekdays and only for lunch). These are often displayed on boards outside the restaurant. The idea is to choose one dish from the first section as a starter and another from the second section as your main course.

For more information about tapas and a map of the best tapas areas in Granada, please go to TAPAS.

More formal Restaurants and pubs

There are many restaurants, cafés and pubs within a short walk of the venue. Below we include a map with just a selection of good formal restaurants, a few tapas bars in the city centre, and some coffee shops and pubs. The darker blue labels more expensive restaurants, while green labels vegetarian restaurants.

Night Live

And, finally, a map with the best areas for going out at night.

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Local Information