
- Our article on a new therapeutic approach for obesity, led by Elena, has been published in BBA Mol Bas Dis

- We are happy for Pilar González, who has received a JdC fellowship

- Our article about a novel substrate enhancement therapy, led by Julia, was published in Cell Reports

- Elena Díaz gets an Assistant Professor position at the Department of Physiology of the UGR

- Pilar González successfully defended her Doctoral Thesis

- Agustín Hidalgo has been awarded with a Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Global Fellowship

- Eliana Barriocanal received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Alfonso Martín Escudero foundation

- Agustín Hidalgo receives the award of the Spanish Physiological Society to best Doctoral Thesis on 2022

- Our article about the pathomechanisms of CoQ deficiency and the therapeutic potential of vanillic acid, led by Pilar, was published in Redox Biology

- The research proposal to the Spanish Research Agency has been proposed to be funded