
- Our article about the use of rapamycin in mitochondrial diseases, led by Eliana Barriocanal, was published in EBiomedicine

- Agustin’s article has been chosen as article of the month of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

- Luis C. López is awarded one of the MDA winter 2019 research grants

- Pilar González gets the prize for the best final work in the Pharmacy School

- Our article about a novel experimental therapy for CoQ deficiency, led by Agustín Hidalgo, was published in EMBO Mol Med

- Our article about moderate CoQ deficiency and increased lifespan, led by María Rodríguez, was published in Scientific Reports

- Pilar González gets a 4-years FPU fellowship

- Seminar, Dr. José Antonio Enriquez (CNIC)

- Agustín starts a 3-months research stay at Columbia University

- Eliana receives funds for a research stay at the University of Gottingen