The International Workshop on Advances in Audiology is an annual event held as part of the Diploma of Specialization in Audiology at the University of Salamanca. The workshop serves as a platform for students to engage with renowed scientists from around the world. Its primary objective is to facilitate discussions on clinical and research advances in the field of hearing. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to showcase innovative diagnostic and treatment technologies.
We had the privilege of attending this event, and presenting two significant contributions. Firtsly, we conducted a live demonstration of a novel evoked potentials recording system developed by our team, which alleviates the requirement for electromagnetically shielded booths. Secondly, we presented a series of advanced methods that enable flexible recording of auditory evoked potentials.
1. EEG Demonstration: Recording evoked potentials beyond the laboratory
The abstract, presentation slides and a video of the live demonstration are available on the links below.
[Top figure] A segment of the recorded (in blue) and processed (in orange) EEG in the ABR+MLR band (left) and ABR band (right).
[Bottom figure] Power spectral density of the EEG before (left) and after (right) processing, in the ABR+MLR band (top) and in the ABR band (bottom).
Auditory brainstem and middle latency responses recorded at different time intervals during the session.

Auditory brainstem responses recorded at different time intervals.

Disclaimer: Technology patent under evaluation. Title: Devices and methods for common mode noise reduction in biopotential acquisitions. Priority date: 10-05-2023. European patent application EP23382433.3. Applicant: University of Granada.
Contact: [Principal Investigator] Prof Ángel de la Torre Vega ( [University of Granada] Knowledge Transfer Office (
2. New avenues for recording auditory evoked potentials
This presentation covered the fundamentals of an advanced method that provides latency-dependent filtering and down-sampling. This technique allows for a compact representation of the complete range auditory evoked potentials, from the cochlea to the cortex. Additionally, we introduced a method for deconvolving overlapping auditory evoked potentials. The abstract and presentation slides, along with associated references are provided on the links below.
- Abstract
- Presentation slides
- References:
- de la Torre A, Valderrama J, Segura JC, Alvarez IM. Subspace-constrained deconvolution of auditory evoked potentials. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2022) 151, 3745-3757. doi: 10.1121/10.0011423. [Download]
- de la Torre A, Valderrama J, Alvarez IM, Segura JC. Latency-dependent filtering and compact representation of the complete auditory pathway response. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2020) 148, 599-613. doi: 10.1121/10.0001673. [Download]
- de la Torre A, Valderrama J, Segura JC, Alvarez IM. Matrix-based formulation of the iterative randomized stimulation and averaging method for recording evoked potentials. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2019) 146, 4545-4556. doi: 10.1121/1.5139639. [Download]
Contact: [Principal Investigator] Prof Ángel de la Torre Vega (