Carolina Osuna-Mascaró PhD Thesis dissertation

On October 2, 2020, Carolina Osuna Mascaró defended her outstanding doctoral thesis entitled “Hybridization as an evolutionary driver for speciation: A case in the Southern European Erysimum species.”

This Ph.D. Thesis represents excellent news in this COVID-19 pandemic period. This defense is a piece of excellent news in this COVID-19 pandemic period. In fact, the act of dissertation and defense was performed by video conferencing in the face of travel restrictions.

The new Dr. Carolina Osuna Mascaró listening questions asked by the thesis committee

The thesis committee was chaired by Pilar Catalán (University of Zaragoza) and formed by Francisca Robles (University of Granada), Gonzalo Nieto-Feliner (CSIC), Antonio Jesús Muñoz Pajares (University of Granada), and Tobias Züst (University of Bern).

Carolina made a spectacular presentation of her work, exploring with NGS data how hybridization and ploidy determine the complex and reticulated phylogeny of the genus Erysimum in the Baetic mountains.

F. Perfectti (Genetics Department) and Rafael Rubio de Casas (Ecology Department) from the UGR acted as Carolina Ph.D.’s advisers.

Carolina Osuna-Mascaró PhD Thesis dissertation