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A selection of international bibliography of the history of contraception and reproductive rights, including studies on the history of the feminist movement during Spain's transition to democracy. All the items are available in the University of Granada library.


- Asbell, Bernard. 1995. The pill: A biography of the drug that changed the world. New York: Random House.

- Brockmann, Uta Teresa. 2009. Die Debatte um die Pille in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ausgewählten Zeitschriften von 1961 bis 1968. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin.

- Chandler, Alfred D. 2005. Shaping the industrial century: The remarkable story of the evolution of the modern chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Cambridge; London: Harvard University Press.

- Daly, Sunny. 2008. Changing images of the birth control pill, 1960-1973. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller. de Chaderevian, Soraya, and Harmke Kamminga, eds. 1998. Molecuralizing biology and medicine. New practices and alliances. 1910s-1970s. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.

- Djerassi, Carl. 2010. This man's pill: Refl ections on the 50th birthday of the pill. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.

- Gijswijt-Hofstra, M. Ed, G. M. Ed Van Heteren, E. M. Tansey, eds. 2002. Biographies of remedies: Drugs, medicines and contraceptives in Dutch and Anglo-American healing cultures. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi.

- Gradmann, Christoph, and Jonathan Simon, eds. 2010. Evaluating and standarizing therapeutic agents, 1890-1950.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Greene, Jeremy A., ed. 2008. Prescribing by numbers: Drugs and the defi nition of disease. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

- Keldenich, Beate. 2002. Die Geschichte der Antibabypille von 1960 bis 2000 - ihre Entwicklung, Verwendung und Bedeutung im Spiegel zweier medizinischer Fachzeitschriften: "Zentralblatt der Gynäkologie" und "Lancet". Aachen: Shaker Verlag Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen.

- Marks, Lara. 2001. Sexual chemistry: A history of the contraceptive pill. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Marsh, Margaret, and Wanda Ronner. 2008. The fertility doctor: John Rock and the reproductive revolution.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

- O'Dowd, Michael J. 2001. History of medications for women: Materia medica woman. New York: Parthenon. Quirke, Viviane, and Judy Slinn, eds. 2009. Perspectives on twentieth-century pharmaceuticals. Oxford; New York: Peter Lang.

- Seaman, Barbara. [1969] 1995. The doctor's case against the pill. Alameda: Hunter House.

- Silies, Eva-Maria. 2010. Liebe, Lust und Last: Die Pille als weibliche Generationserfahrung in der Bundesrepublik 1960-1980. Göttingen: Wallstein, Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen.

- Sneader, Walter. 2005. Drug discovery: A history. Chichester: Wiley.

- Soto Laveaga, Gabriela. 2009. Jungle laboratories: Mexican peasants, national projects, and the making of the pill. Durham: Duke University Press.

- Speroff, Leon. 2009. A good man: Gregory Goodwin Pincus: The man, his story, the birth control pill. Portland:Arnica Publishing.

- Staupe, Gisela, Lisa Vieth. 1996. Die Pille: Von der Lust und von der Liebe. Berlin: Rowohlt.

- Tyler May, Elaine. 2010. America and the pill: A history of promise, peril, and liberation. New York: Basic Books.

- Watkins, Elizabeth S. 1998. On the pill: A social history of oral contraceptives, 1950-1970. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press
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