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Próximas conferencias

Submersions, Lie groups and Killing Vector Fields to Study Translating Solitons of the Mean Curvature Flow

Universidad de Granada

Graphical translating solitons of the mean curvature flow (translators) can be studied in many ambient manifolds. Some authors have used rotationally invariant settings to work with an ODE. We recall the associated PDE in a semi-riemannian setting for product manifolds. We apply these ideas to study translators in Minkowski space which are invariant by the orthogonal group and the orthochronus group. One step further, when the ambient manifold admits a non-unit, non-vanishing Killing vector field, it can be seen as a warped product. Then, it is possible to make a similar study. We obtain the corresponding PDE and make a general theory for the reduction to an ODE. We will show some new examples in this way.

Holomorphic null curves in the special linear group

Universidad de Granada

In our recent paper we develop the theory of approximation for holomorphic null curves in the special linear group SL(2,C). In particular, we establish Runge, Mergelyan, Mittag-Leffler, and Carleman type theorems for the family of holomorphic null immersions M -> SL(2,C) from any open Riemann surface M. Our results include jet interpolation of Weierstrass type and approximation by embeddings, as well as global conditions on the approximating curves. As application, we show that every open Riemann surface admits a proper holomorphic null embedding into SL(2,C), and hence also a proper conformal immersion of constant mean curvature 1 into hyperbolic 3-space. This settles a problem posed by Alarcón and Forstneric in 2015.

Generic properties of minimal surfaces

Universidad de Granada

We shall discuss some properties of minimal surfaces in Euclidean space which hold generically in Baire category sense. Based on joint work with Francisco J. López.

Modelling families of complex curves and minimal surfaces

University of Ljubljana

A complex manifold is called an Oka manifold if every holomorphic map from a convex set in a Euclidean space to the manifold is a limit of entire maps. We show that every Oka manifold admits families of noncompact complex curves of any given topological type, endowed with a prescribed family of conformal structures, with approximation on compact Runge subsets. A similar result holds for families of minimal surfaces and null holomorphic curves in Euclidean spaces.

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Stanford University

Despacho: 15

Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino

Despacho: 15

University of Ljubljana

Despacho: 4 (Dto. Geometría y Topología)

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Granada (Spain)

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This activity is supported by the research projects EUR2024.153556, PID2023-150727NB-I00, PID2022-142559NB-I00, CNS2022-135390 CONSOLIDACION2022, PID2020-118137GB-I00, PID2020-117868GB-I00, PID2020-116126GB-I00.