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This is the second edition of a Conference in Differential Geometry organized in collaboration between IMAG (Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada) and OCAMI (Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute). This event, to be held at IMAG from February 10th to 14th 2025, focuses on current advances in the field of geometric analysis, bringing together researchers and experts from across the world.
Speakers: Anna Mª Fino (Politécnico de Turín). Alba García (ICMAT). Shuli Chen (Stanford). Leila Mehidi (IMAG). Azahara de la Torre (Sapienza Università di Roma). Organizers: Leonor Ferrer (UGR) and Francisco Martin (UGR)
The aim of the event is to bring together researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds who are concerned with the mathematics of shape generation in the framework of architecture and structural design. These two fields have indeed undergone major developments thanks to discrete differential geometry and integrable system. At the heart of the subject is the discretisation of shapes, their resulting constructional and mechanical properties as well as the methods for deforming these shapes conserving these properties. Topics of particular interest are: the discretization of surfaces by quad planes with remarkable features, their kinematic or mechanical rigidity, shape duality in all its forms, to name of few.