Here you will have access to all information regarding talks, visitors and events taking place in the Department of Geometry and Topology - University of Granada, as well as additional information about activities on Differential Geometry.
In the menu at the top of the page you can login to edit the contents (provided that you have a registered account) or subscribe to this site by using any software supporting RSS standard. It will make you be up-to-date with all talks, news and events in the Seminar. Most web browsers are able to read this type of document and no additional software is needed. You can also subscribe to the Seminar calendar. You will find further information in the section subscribe to this website.
On the other hand, in the main menu you will find several options:
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If you want to help us translate this page to a different language, do not hesitate to contact us.
The Geometry Seminar is organized by the following members of the Department of Geometry and Topology:
If you have any question or suggestion, you can address it to any of us or use the contact form.
We welcome any information about lectures, conferences and meetings concerning Differential Geometry. Please contact us by using our contact form
This whole website has been developed by means of free software. More specifically, the PHP codeigniter framework, as well as the following tools: jquery, fullcalendar, iCalCreator, fancybox and Google Chart API.
Both the desing and the programming of this website have been done by Francisco Torralbo. The author would like to thank María Dolores Ruiz for her priceless help in building the database.