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Constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space via loop group method

Yamagata University

The geometry of constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space depends on the range of mean curvature. In case mean curvature H is greater than 1, then there exist locally bijective correspondences between CMC surfaces in Euclidean 3-space. In addition CMC surfaces with H=1 correspond to minimal surfaces in euclidean 3-space. On the other hand, in case H is less than 1, CMC surfaces have corresponding surfaces in neither in Euclidean 3-space nor in 3-sphere. In this sense, CMC surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space with mean curvature less than 1 are peculiar objects in hyperbolic geometry. In my talk, I would like to report my recent work jointly with Josef F. Dorfmeister(Munich) and Shimpei Kobayashi (Hirosaki) on the loop group method for constructing simply connected CMC surfaces with H less than 1 (including minimal surfaces). The key observation of this method is the equivalence of CMC condition and harmonicity of appropriate Gauss maps.

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This activity is supported by the research projects EUR2024.153556, PID2023-150727NB-I00, PID2022-142559NB-I00, CNS2022-135390 CONSOLIDACION2022, PID2020-118137GB-I00, PID2020-117868GB-I00, PID2020-116126GB-I00.