Spanish-Japanese Workshop on Differential Geometry
Granada (Spain)
There will be 3 or 4 plenary talks each day and a short number of minicourses.
Conferenciantes invitados
- Luis Alías (Universidad de Murcia): The generalized Omori-Yau maximum principle and its geometric applications
- María Calle (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): Existence of solutions of the Capillary problem in $M\times\mathbb{R}$
- Josef Dorfmeister (Universidad de Munich): Willmore spheres in $\mathbb{S}^n$
- Eduardo García-Río (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela): Rigidity conditions for Ricci solitons
- María del Mar González (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): The Yamabe problem for the conformal fractional Laplacian
- Udo Hertrich-Jeromin (University of Bath): Lie geometry of linear Weingarten surfaces
- Jun-ichi Inoguchi (Yamagata University): Constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space via loop group method
- Yoshihisa Kitagawa (Utsunomiya University): Extrinsic diameter of immersed flat tori in the unit 3-sphere
- Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu University): Stability of hypersurfaces with constant anisotropic mean curvature and its applications.
- Norihito Koiso (Osaka University): On non-existence of minimal surfaces connecting distant curves
- Katrin Leschke (University of Leicester): TBA
- Vicente Miquel (Universidad de Valencia): Volume preserving mean curvature flow of revolution hypersurface with boundary moving freely on parallel or equidistant hypersurfaces
- Pablo Mira (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena): Surfaces of constant curvature in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with isolated singularities
- Reiko Miyaoka (Tohoku University): Moment maps of the spin action and the Cartan-Munzner polynomials of degree four
- Yoshihiro Ohnita (Osaka City University): On Lagrangian submanifolds in complex hyperquadrics obtained from isoparametric hypersurfaces
- Joaquín Pérez (Universidad de Granada): CMC spheres in three-dimensional metric Lie groups
- Alfonso Romero (Universidad de Granada): CMC spacelike surfaces and Calabi-Bernstein's type problems in 3-dimensional Generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes
- Francisco Urbano Pérez-Aranda (Universidad de Granada): On stable compact minimal submanifolds