
Cuestionarios de las sesiones iniciales

Cuestionario sobre estilos de aprendizaje

Cuestionario sobre nivel de autonomía

Cuestionario de competencia digital docente

Cuestionario sobre actitudes hacia las matemáticas (en PRADO)

Observación: Para indicar vuestro seminario, usad el listado actualizado que hay disponible en PRADO


University of Granada (website)

Faculty of Education Sciences at Granada (website)

Departament of Mathematics Education (website)

I am also involved in the Spanish Royal Society of Mathematics (website) as a part of its Education Committee (website)

Courses, teaching material and platforms


  • Teaching education for prospective Secondary Teachers (Master’s degree of Secondary Teacher)
  • Mathematics for prospective Elementary Teachers (Degree of Elementary Teacher)
  • Mathematical Competencies in the Elementary School (Degree of Elementary Teacher)
  • Practicum II (Degree of Elementary Teacher)
  • Supervision of Final (Masters’) Degree Projects

Teaching material:

Learning management Systems:

Digital resources

For the number system and arithmetic:

For the rational numbers:

For geometry and measurement:

For statistics and probability: