Graduated in Teachers’ Training, Pedagogy, and Ph. D. in Sciences of Education whith extraodinary PhD award. Since 1992, he’s been working as a Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Education of the University of Granada. Currently, He is IP of de Profesio-Lab (SEJ059); editor of the Scientific Electronic «Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers»; and CEO of labOSfor innovation and development, spin-off UGR. He is member of Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Educational Research IEdu.

For thirty years, he has participated in 40 projects and research contracts (acting as the main researcher in 16), obtained in both nationally and internationally official announcements. He is the author and co-author of more than 180 publications of scientific character, of which 60 are indexed magazines with considerable impact factor. He has worked as a researcher at several international research centres. He has also supervised 17 doctoral thesises and numerous master’s thesises. He has organised 23 congresses, seminaries and scientific meetings of local and international range. All his scientific production is focused on the sphere of teacher education, training and development. He is a member of the professional and educational research associations: AIDU (Asociación Interuniversitaria de Docencia Universitaria – Inter-university Association of Universitary Teaching), AIDIPE of the EERA (European Education Research Association), ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe) and AERA (American Education Research Association).

He teaches at the University of Granada the bachelor degree’s subjects of «Teachers’ Education» and «Professional Development of Teachers». He also gives lessons of Master and Doctorate degrees on «Teachers’ Training Management», «Professional Educational Knowledge», «Narrative-Biographical Research», «Design of Research on Teachers», «Educational Research Management» and «Internationalization of Higher Education». He is the author of several teacher support books (textbooks, guides, interactive video-discs and websites) and he has participated in 15 innovative educational projects at a local, national and international range.

He also has experience as a manager, having occuppied the positions of Vice Dean of Practicum and Teaching Quality, Coordinator of the Pedagogy Degree, Director of Research Group, Secretary of Department, Director of Department, Coordinator of inter-university Doctorate Program, Coordinator of the postgraduate courses of educational improvement foruniversitary teachers, General Coordinator of international consortium MUNDUSFOR ErasmusMundus Master.

He has developed the internationalization of his academic activity with both teaching and research experiences, and the creation of collaboration networks within international programs, with the following universities and higher education centres: Universidade de Lisboa (PT), Universidade do Porto (PT), Instituto Politécnico de Educaçao Superior de Portalegre (PT), Instituto Politécnico de Educaçao Superior de Guarda (PT), Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (PT), Universidade de Coimbra (PT), Universidade do Minho (PT), Universitádegli Studio di Cassino (IT), Universitá degli Studi di Roma 3 (IT), Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardennes (FR), University College of Akershus (NO), Aristóteles University of Tesalonika (GR), Göteborgs Universitet (SU), Yildiz Teknik Universitesi (TR), Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (AR), Universidad CAECE (AR), Universidad Nacional de Salta (AR), Universidade Federal de Santa María (BR), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (CL), Universidad de Los Lagos (CL), Centro de Formación Tecnológica INACAP (CL), Centro de Formación Tecnológica DUOC-UC ; Universidad de Nuestra Señora de la Paz (BO), Universidad Andina (BO), Universidad de las Américas (CO), Rudecomlombia (CO), Universidad de Nariño (CO) ; Universidad de Cienfuegos (CU), Universidad de Ciego de Ávila (CU), Escuela Normal Superior Prof. Sáez Garza (MX), Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (MX), Sistema Nacional de Educación a Distancia SINED (MX), Universidad de Tlaxcala (MX); Arizona State University (US), University of Wisconsin-Madison (US), Trent University (CA). He has paticipated in the academic programs of the EU: SÓCRATES-ERASMUS, LEONARDO, SÓCRATES-MINERVA, ERASMUS MUNDUS (Masters’ and Doctorate Degrees) & ERASMUS+.

He has developed an external projection of his academic activity with direct work in educational centres of parvulary, primary and high education, linked with the developed research and innovation tasks. He has more than 1000 teaching hours in courses and seminaties in Teachers’ Centres and Teacher’s Associations on Didactics and Educational Reform, and in Sciencies of Education Institutes. -

Sendika Haberleri