Projects (managed)

Peer-reviewed international publications

  1. Solutal Marangoni flow as the cause of ring stains from drying salty colloidal drops. Alvaro Marin, Stefan Karpitschka, Diego Noguera-Marín, Miguel A. Cabrerizo-Vílchez, Massimiliano Rossi, Christian J. Kähler, and Miguel A. Rodríguez Valverde, Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 041601(R).
  2. Particles adsorbed at various non-aqueous liquid-liquid interfaces. Miguel Angel Fernandez-Rodriguez, Bernard P. Binkb, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Valverde, Miguel Angel Cabrerizo-Vilchez, Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 247, 2017, 208-222.
  3. Synthesis and interfacial activity of PMMA/PtBMA Janus and homogeneous nanoparticles at water/oil interfaces. Miguel Ángel Fernández-Rodríguez, Sahar Rahmani, Chris K.J. Yu, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Valverde, Miguel Ángel Cabrerizo-Vílchez, Charnelle A. Michel, Joerg Lahann, 2016, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 536, 5 2018, 259-265.
  4. Interfacial Activity of Gold Nanoparticles Coated with a Polymeric Patchy Shell and the Role of Spreading Agents. Fernandez-Rodriguez, Miguel A., Percebom, Ana M., Giner-Casares, Juan J., Rodriguez-Valverde, Miguel A., Cabrerizo-Vilchez, Miguel A., Liz-Marzan, Luis M., Hidalgo-Alvarez, Roque, ACS OMEGA, 1(2), 2016, 311-317
  5. Impact of the collective diffusion of charged nanoparticles in the convective/capillary deposition directed by receding contact lines. Diego Noguera-Marín, Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, Miguel A. Cabrerizo Vílchez and Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Eur. Phys. J. E (2016) 39: 20
  6. A simple strategy to improve the interfacial activity of true Janus gold nanoparticles: a shorter hydrophilic capping ligand. Miguel Angel Fernandez-Rodriguez, Limei Chen, Christopher P. Deming, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Valverde, Shaowei Chen, Miguel Angel Cabrerizo-Vilchez and Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez. Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 31-34.
  7. Surface activity of Janus particles adsorbed at fluid-fluid interfaces: Theoretical and experimental aspects. Miguel Angel Fernandez-Rodriguez, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Valverde, Miguel Angel Cabrerizo-Vilchez, and Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 233, 2016, 240-254.
  8. Interfacial activity and contact angle of homogeneous, functionalized and Janus nanoparticles at the water/decane interface. Miguel A Fernandez-Rodriguez, Jose Ramos, Lucio Isa, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Valverde, Miguel A. Cabrerizo-Vilchez and Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez. Langmuir, 2015, 31 (32), 8818–8823
  9. Particle segregation at contact lines of evaporating colloidal drops: Influence of the substrate wettability and particle charge-mass ratio. Diego Noguera-Marín, Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, Miguel A. Cabrerizo Vílchez and Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Langmuir, 2015, 31 (24), pp 6632–6638
  10. In-plane particle counting at contact lines of evaporating colloidal drops: effect of the particle electric charge. Diego Noguera-Marín, Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, Miguel A. Cabrerizo Vílchez and Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Soft Matter (2015) 11, 987-993
  11. Interfacial Activity of AuC6 Nanoparticles Using the Pendant Drop Technique. Miguel Angel Fernandez-Rodriguez, Yang Song, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Valverde, Shaowei Chen, Miguel Angel Cabrerizo-Vilchez, and Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez. J. Colloid Sci. Biotechnol. 3, 184-187 (2014)
  12. Transition from Stripe-like Patterns to a Particulate Film Using Driven Evaporating Menisci. Diego Noguera-Marín, Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, Miguel A. Cabrerizo Vílchez and Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Langmuir 2014, 30(25), 7609–7614
  13. Comparison of the interfacial activity between homogeneous and Janus gold nanoparticles by pendant drop tensiometry. Miguel A Fernández-Rodríguez, Yang Song, Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde, Shaowei Chen, Miguel A. Cabrerizo-Vílchez and Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez. Langmuir 2014, 30(7), 1799–1804
  14. Controlling the morphology of ring-like deposits by varying pinning time of driven receding contact lines. Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, M.A. Cabrerizo-Vílchez and M.A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer 1(3) (2013) 195-205.
  15. The role of the electrostatic double layer interactions in the formation of nanoparticle ring-like deposits at driven receding contact lines. Carmen L. Moraila-Martínez, Miguel A. Cabrerizo-Vílchez and Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde. Soft Matter 2013,9, 1664-1673.
  16. Self-assembly in Drying Complex Fluid at Low Capillary Number. Ching Hsueh, Carmen Lucía Moraila Martínez, Frédéric Doumenc, Miguel A. Rodríguez-Valverde and Béatrice Guerrier. Chemical Engineering and Processing 68 (2013) 64–68.

Peer-reviewed book chapters/proceedings

Janus Particles and Interfacial Activity, Miguel Angel Fernandez-Rodriguez, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Valverde, Miguel Angel Cabrerizo-Vilchez and Roque Hidalgo-Alvarez. In K. Wandelt (Ed.), Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, ISBN 9780124095472, 2017. Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry

Projects (partners)/Contracts with industry

  1. Industrial project of technological development (CDTI, ref. IDI-201000378) entitled “Ligante especial de altas prestaciones para pinturas insecticidas y dispersiones poliméricas con nanopartículas” (02/01/2010-01/01/2012).
  2. Industrial project of technological development (CDTI, ref. IDI-20070721) entitled “Síntesis de ligantes para soportes universales y dispersiones acuosas con nanocompuestos” (02/10/2007-01/10/2009).