1. Warsaw (Warszawa) University 258, fol. 127, v-131v. 15th century. Has been published by A. David, in: Kobez al Yad, 13 (1996), pp. 235-169.
2. London – Beth Din and Beth Hamidrash Library 146, fol. 1-10. Copied in Kleve (Germany) 1678.
3. Leipzig – Universitätsbibliothek B. H. 4.38, fol. 1-5. 17th century. Has been published by J. C. Wagenseil, Altdorf 1687, 1697.
4. Strassbourg 3982. 97 pages. Colmar 1650. It seems that the colophon of that manuscript was forged by Elikim Carmoly who copied in the first half of the 19th century. Has been published by E. Carmoly Paris 1831.
5. New York – The Jewish Theological Seminary of America Ms. 5601 (incomplete, approximately half text). Copied in 18th century.
6. St. Petersburg – Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences A 147. Copied in 1930 by Karaite scribe from printed edition, Dubno 1795.
Hebrew Printed editions (selection)
There are some dozen Hebrew printed editions. Will be listed here only some of them and also will be listed as bilingual editions in the section of translated editions.
1. Prague 1695.
2. Altdorf 1687 (See below in the list of Latin translations).
3. Altdorf 1697 (See below in the list of Latin translations).
4. Padova 1750 (See below in the list of Latin translations).
5. Altona 1770, 1778 (the second edition I have not seen).
6. Zolkiew 1772, 1792 (the second edition I have not seen).
7. Dubno 1795.
8. Sklow 1817.
9. Paris 1831 (See below in the list of French translations).
10. Fürth 1844 (See below in the list of German translations).
11. London 1856, 1861 (See below in the list of English translations).
12. St. Petersburg (See below on the Russian translation).
13. Jerusalem 1905 (See below in the list of German translations).
14. New York 1926, Tel-Aviv 1969. In Ozar Massaoth, edited by Judah David Eisenstein, pp. 46-56.
Translated editions
1. סבוב הרב ר' פתחיה מרעגנש פורג. Johann Christoph Wagenseil, Peregrinatio R. Petachiae Ratisbonensis. Altdorf (Germany) 1687. Based on the abovementioned Leipzig manuscript. Latin and Hebrew. The same edition came out again in 1697.
2. Johan Christoph Wagenseil, Nürnberg, Andere Ausgaben, 1719. Latin and Hebrew (I have not seen it).
3. .סבוב הרב ר' פתחיה מרעגנש פורג Johann Christoph Wagenseil, Peregrinatio Rabbini Petachiae. Padova 1750 by Antonio Zanolini. Peregrinatio Rabbini Petachae. Latin and Hebrew.
2. סבוב העולם Phillip Ernst Christfels, Wilhermsdorf 1736.. Based on the Wagenseil Hebrew edition.
3. Frankfurt de Oder 1770. A different translation. Based on the Wagenseil Hebrew edition.
1. מריגנשבורג סבוב העולם. Eliakim Carmoli, Tour du Monde ou voyages du Rabbin Pethachia de Ratisbonne,…Par M. E. Carmoly…Paris imprmerie royale M. DCCC. XXXI. Based on the manuscript number 4. Hebrew and French.
2. H. Harboun, Les voyageurs juifs XII sie’cle, Eix- En-Provence, Editions Massoreth, 1986, pp. 141-185.
1. סבוב הרב רבי פתחיה מרעגנשפורג.Abraham Benish, Travels of Rabbi Petachia of Ratisbon…by Dr. A[braham] Benish with explanatory notes, by the translator and William F. Ainsworth...London, Messrs Trubner & Co. Paternoster Row, 1856. Based on Wagenseil edition. Hebrew and English. Second edition: London, Longman and Co., Paternoster Row, 1861.
2. Elkan Nathan Adler, Jewish Travellers in the Middle Ages…Edited and with Introduction by Elkan Nathan Adler, London, G. Routledge, 1930, pp. 64-91. Based on Prague edition. Another edition: New York, Dover Publications, Inc. 1987.
1. סבוב הרב רבי פתחיה מרעגנשפורג. David Ottensoser, Reise des Rabbinen Rabbi Pethachjah aus Regensburg...von David Ottensoser. Fürth, Zürndorffer und J. Sommer, 1844. Based on the Wagenseil edition. Hebrew and German.
2. סבוב הרב רבי פתחיה מרעגנשפורג Lasar Grünhut, Die Rundreise des R. Petachjah aus Regensburg...von L. Grünhut, Jerusalem Frankfurt a/M 1904-1905. A critical edition with German edition was translated by him. Based on the Prague edition with variants from Leipzig manuscript and some other printed editions.
3. Stefan Schreiner, Jüdische Reisen im Mittelalter, Leipzig und Köln, Parkland Verlag, 1998, pp. 121-164, 231-237..
1. שלשה בעלי מסעות לבית ישראל. Translated by Pavel Margolin (Three travelogues), St. Petersburg 1881, Based on Carmoly edition. Russian and Hebrew..
Jose Ramon Magdalena Nom de Déu , Palestina y Eurasia a finales del siglo xii (Viajes de Rabi Yaa’qob bar Netane’el ha-Kohen y Rabi Petahyah de Regensburg)…por Jose Ramon Magdalena Nom de De’u, Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, 1989, pp. 19-59.
Isabella Ventrice, Il viaggio di Rabbi Petachiah di Ratisbona, A cura di I. Ventrice, Firenze, Giuntina, 2009. The Hebrew text is a photo copy from the Benish edition.
Jirina Sedinova, Benjamin z Tudely Petachja z Rezna, Dva stredoveke Hebrejske Cestopisy Prelozila Jirina Sedinova, Prague, Argo, 2002, pp. 55-73.
Studies bibliography
א' דוד, 'סבוב ר' פתחיה מרגנשבורג בנוסח חדש', קבץ על יד, יג (תשנ"ו), עמ' 235-269.
י' פראוור, 'תיאורי מסע עבריים בארץ-ישראל בתקופה הצלבנית', קתדרה, 40 (תשמ"ו), עמ' 56-62.
י' פראוור, תולדות היהודים בממלכת הצלבנים, ירושלים תשס"א, עמ' 206-213.
מ"א שולוואס, 'הידיעה בגיאוגרפיה אצל היהודים בתחום התרבות של היהדות האשכנזית בימי הביניים', ספר יובל לכבוד...אברהם ווייס, ניו יורק תשכ"ד, עמ' תקכט-תקלו, תקמב-תקמד, תקמט-תקנא.
C. R. Beazley, The Dawn of Modern Geography, vol. II, London, pp. 267-273.
P. Borchardt, ‘Der Reiseweg des Rabbi Benjamin von Tudela und des Rabbi Petachia aus Regensburg in Mesopotamien u. Persien’, Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft, XVI (1924), s. 137-162.
A. David, 'R. Petahiah of Regensburg's Itinerary – A Reconsideration', L'ecriture de L' histoire Juive. M'elanges en l'honeur de G'errard Nahon, Paris-Louvain 2012, pp. 321-334.
G. Hassan-Rokem, ‘Homo viator et narrans Judaicus’, Medieval Jewish Voices in the European Narrative of the Wandering Jew, Europäische Ethnologie und Folklore im internationalen Kontext,Festschrift für Leander Petzold zum 65 Geburtstag, Frankfurt am Main 1999, pp. 93-102.
A. Kuyt, ‘Die Welt aus sefardischer und ashkenazischer sicht: Die mittelalterlichen hebräischen Reiseberichte des Benjamin von Tudela und des Petachja von Regensburg’, Chloe, Beihefte zum Daphnis, Erkundung und Beschreibung der Welt zur Poetic der Reise- und Länderberichte, Herausgegeben von X. von Ertzdorff und G. Giesenmann, Amsterdam – New York 2003, ss. 214-215, 223-231.
J. Prawer, The History of the Jews in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Oxford 1988, pp. 206-215.
R. Röhricht, Biblioteca Geographica Palestinae, Jerusalem 1963, pp. 40-41.