Selección de bibliografía internacional sobre historia de la anticoncepción y los derechos reproductivos en la que se incluyen también trabajos sobre la historia del movimiento feminista durante la transición democrática en España. Todos los libros están disponibles para su consulta y/o préstamo en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada.*spi/X
- Asbell, Bernard. 1995. The pill: A biography of the drug that changed the world. New York: Random House.
- Brockmann, Uta Teresa. 2009. Die Debatte um die Pille in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ausgewählten Zeitschriften von 1961 bis 1968. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin.
- Chandler, Alfred D. 2005. Shaping the industrial century: The remarkable story of the evolution of the modern chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Cambridge; London: Harvard University Press.
- Daly, Sunny. 2008. Changing images of the birth control pill, 1960-1973. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller. de Chaderevian, Soraya, and Harmke Kamminga, eds. 1998. Molecuralizing biology and medicine. New practices and alliances. 1910s-1970s. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.
- Djerassi, Carl. 2010. This man's pill: Refl ections on the 50th birthday of the pill. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
- Gijswijt-Hofstra, M. Ed, G. M. Ed Van Heteren, E. M. Tansey, eds. 2002. Biographies of remedies: Drugs, medicines and contraceptives in Dutch and Anglo-American healing cultures. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi.
- Gradmann, Christoph, and Jonathan Simon, eds. 2010. Evaluating and standarizing therapeutic agents, 1890-1950.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Greene, Jeremy A., ed. 2008. Prescribing by numbers: Drugs and the definition of disease. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Keldenich, Beate. 2002. Die Geschichte der Antibabypille von 1960 bis 2000 - ihre Entwicklung, Verwendung und Bedeutung im Spiegel zweier medizinischer Fachzeitschriften: "Zentralblatt der Gynäkologie" und "Lancet". Aachen: Shaker Verlag Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen.
- Marks, Lara. 2001. Sexual chemistry: A history of the contraceptive pill. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Marsh, Margaret, and Wanda Ronner. 2008. The fertility doctor: John Rock and the reproductive revolution.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
- O'Dowd, Michael J. 2001. History of medications for women: Materia medica woman. New York: Parthenon. Quirke, Viviane, and Judy Slinn, eds. 2009. Perspectives on twentieth-century pharmaceuticals. Oxford; New York: Peter Lang.
- Seaman, Barbara. [1969] 1995. The doctor's case against the pill. Alameda: Hunter House.
- Silies, Eva-Maria. 2010. Liebe, Lust und Last: Die Pille als weibliche Generationserfahrung in der Bundesrepublik 1960-1980. Göttingen: Wallstein, Georg-August-Universitat Göttingen.
- Sneader, Walter. 2005. Drug discovery: A history. Chichester: Wiley.
- Soto Laveaga, Gabriela. 2009. Jungle laboratories: Mexican peasants, national projects, and the making of the pill. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Speroff, Leon. 2009. A good man: Gregory Goodwin Pincus: The man, his story, the birth control pill. Portland:Arnica Publishing.
- Staupe, Gisela, Lisa Vieth. 1996. Die Pille: Von der Lust und von der Liebe. Berlin: Rowohlt.
- Tyler May, Elaine. 2010. America and the pill: A history of promise, peril, and liberation. New York: Basic Books.
- Watkins, Elizabeth S. 1998. On the pill: A social history of oral contraceptives, 1950-1970. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press