Angeles Sánchez

Associate Professor - University of Granada

Research Interests

Economics of inequality: income inequality, deprivation and poverty.

Public policies in the welfare state: public spending policies, economic insecurity, subjetive well-being, and European Union Cohesion Policy.

Construction of composite indicators and their applications to socioeconomic phenomena.


Angeles Sánchez

Angeles Sánchez is an associate professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Granada (Spain). She teaches undergraduate courses at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Master’s and PhD courses. Angeles’ research is focused on the economics of inequality and public policies of the welfare state. The output from this work has been published in a range of leading international peer-reviewed journals.

University of Granada


Undergraduate Courses: Economy of Public Spending, Microeconomics, Introduction to Economy.

Postgraduate and Ph.D. Courses: Fiscal Policy in the European Union, Income Inequality, Methodological Courses.

Angeles Sánchez


Download Angeles’ last Curriculum Vitae at the button below.

Latest Publications


Measuring child vulnerability to poverty: Material and psychosocial deprivation.

Sánchez, A., D’Agostino, A., Giusti, C., & Potsi, A. (2024). Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 91, 101794.


European Union Cohesion Policy: socio-economic vulnerability of the regions and the COVID-19 shock.

Sánchez, A., & Jiménez-Fernández, E. (2023). Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18, 195-228.

Latest Activities

Organization of International Seminar Series

Research Group Public Economic and Globalisation (University of Granada), Department of Economics and Statistics (DEPS) of the University of Siena, and Centre Dagum ASESD (Italy).

Since May 2023.

Editor of Special Issue, Social Indicators Research

Editor of special issue “Advanced techniques for constructing indicators and composite indicators”, Social Indicators Research.


Research Stay and Seminar

Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena (Italy).

March-April 2023. 

International Conference

16th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2023), Berlin (Germany).

16-18 December 2024.


Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa (Italy).

April 2023. 

Coordination of the special session “Financial insecurity and well-being”

2023 International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies Annual Conference, Rotterdam (the Netherlands).

21-25 August 2023.


Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Quantitativi, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope (Italia).

December 2019.

Research Stays

Health Economics and Policy Analysis Centre, NUI Galway (Ireland).

July 2017 and June-July 2018.

Summer Course

"Métodos y Técnicas Instrumentales con Stata" at Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (Baeza-Jaén).

August 2019.

Teaching Innovation Project

TIP 528-19, UGR: Innovative teaching techniques for higher education courses taught in English.

2019 - 2020.


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Contact Angeles Sánchez

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