Discursive Injustice and Social Criticism: Epistemology and Training for Deliberation
From Monday 8th to Friday 12th, July 2019, in Granada (Spain)
Carmen de la Victoria, University of Granada, Cuesta del Chapiz, 9, 18010 Granada, Map
From July 8th to 12th, 2019, in its second edition, FiloLab-International Summer School (FL-ISS) will offer PhD students and young doctors from different countries the opportunity to present their ongoing or recently completed research, obtained qualified comment, and be advised in regard to their postdoctoral projection.
The course is specially designed so that young researchers can present research linked to their doctoral thesis —recently completed or close to completion— or articles in progress to senior peers and academics in the field of argumentation, epistemology, applied ethics and deliberation, for comment and discussion.
The process will involve tutorials by renowned professors from the Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as academic exchange with peers with common research interests. The aim is to generate opportunities for collaboration between junior and senior researchers from different disciplines related to philosophy.
In addition, there will be specific orientation about strategies for publication and dissemination of research. The School expects the attendace of editors of several journals and publishing houses, such as Theoria, Dilemata, Daimon, Isegoría, Springer, Plaza y Valdés and Comares.
Teaching methodology
The course will last four days, with two sessions concentrated in the mornings and one in the afternoon, leaving the evenings free to be dedicated to informal academic and leisure activities. Besides these four days, Wednesday will be reserved as a free day for a joint cultural activity in Granada.
Each session will last 1 hour and 30 minutes, with a maximum 45-minute presentation followed by a 45-minute commentary and discussion. Presentations will be grouped according to their thematic and methodological affinity. Researchers will present their ongoing doctoral research or their postdoctoral projects. Then, guest professors will comment on the presentation and moderate the session, with the participation of professors from the FiloLab-UGR Unit of Excellence, as well as the rest of the audience.
The presence of long sessions and breaks aims to reproduce some of the elements best valued by those attending the 2018 edition. Furthermore, it will generate spaces to discuss more informally with guest scholars, touching upon issues such as professional academic career, funding strategies, dissemination of research results and collaboration opportunities.
Guest professors
Organizing Committee
Pedro Francés Gómez
Lilian Bermejo Luque
Jorge Costa Delgado
Rocío González Martínez
Alba Moreno Zurita
Neftalí Villanueva Fernández
Henrik Zinkernagel
Who can attend
The course is aimed at young researchers from all the fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences, but also to those who, despite not belonging to these fields, have focused their research on areas of knowledge relevant to public affairs, such as applied ethics, social economy or public policies.
FiloLab International Summer School (FL-ISS) has an interdisciplinary and inclusive approach. Proposals about conceptual and foundational issues, as well as those with an emphasis on methodological or applied approaches will be welcomed, but other topics will also be considered if a thematic or methodological compatibility is demonstrated. We will welcome proposals from areas such as philosophy of science, studies in science and technology, philosophy of mind and psychology, logic and philosophy of language, argumentation theory, moral and political philosophy, or applied ethics.
We will also welcome the registration of those who wish to attend the sessions and participate in the debates without presenting any proposal.
This is a sample of possible theoretical, methodological and applied topics to be considered:
- Knowledge and opinion: objectivity, pluralism and relativism
- Truth and justification: truth and consequences; truth, ethics and politics; truth and post-truth
- Disagreements: epistemic and normative disagreements; laypersons and experts; facts and values
- Argumentation: emotions and reasoning; validity in judgements and appraisals; requirements of reasoning; biases in problem formulation and analysis
- Epistemic and discursive injustice
- Language, gender and philosophy
- Cognitive biases
- Deliberation and political participation
- Philosophy, education and democracy
Submission procedure
Please submit your proposal to filolab@ugr.es. The deadline for the submission of proposals has been extended until May 31st, 2019. Accepted proposals will be confirmed shortly after reception, until reaching the limit of available places. Each proposal should include:
- Name
- Affiliation (if any)
- Title of research proposal
- Abstract (300 words max.)
- Scientific areas of interest (100 words max.)
In case you want to register without submitting a proposal, just send us your name, e-mail and institutional affiliation.
It includes:
- Registration
- Materials
- Meals (lunch) at Carmen de la Victoria
- Alhambra guided tour
Transfer to Bank Account Number: ES67 2038 3505 3764 0000 1291
IMPORTANT: Please, indicate "FILOLAB" + NAME + SURNAME. Also, in any section you must include the ID or passport number of the person registered.
Send proof of payment via e-mail to filolab@ugr.es
It includes:
- Registration
- Materials
- Meals (lunch) at Carmen de la Victoria
- Alhambra guided tour
Transfer to Bank Account Number: ES67 2038 3505 3764 0000 1291
Account Holder: Escuela Internacional de Posgrado
IMPORTANT: Please, indicate "FILOLAB" + NAME + SURNAME. Also, in any section you must include the DNI or passport number of the person registered.
Send proof of payment via e-mail to filolab@ugr.es
In order for us to make an invoice, you must provide us with the billing information via e-mail:
- Name, Surname, Address, NIF and Nationality (in case the invoice is for personal use)
- Name of the institution, Fiscal address and Tax Identification Code (in case you want to justify the payment of the invoice to an institution)
We recommend that you book your accommodation at the same place where the Summer School will be held: Carmen de la Victoria. The organization of the Summer School will gladly manage the reservation. If you are interested, please contact us at filolab@ugr.es. The public prices of the rooms can be consulted via this link (they include full board). Places are limited, so we recommend making a reservation well in advance.
There will be three fee waiver scholarships. In order to apply, you must send us the complete text that will be presented at the School before May 17th. The text should have a length of between 4,000 and 6,000 words. The organizing committee will select the three best texts, according to the thematic lines considered in this edition.
Contact us
For any questions, feel free to contact us via filolab@ugr.es
Where we are
School of Philosophy (Building of Psychology), Campus Cartuja s/n, 18011 Granada, Spain