Workshop on the Willmore conjecture
Granada (Spain)
Fernando C. Marques (IMPA - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and André Neves (Imperial College - London, UK) have recently given a proof of the Willmore conjecture. In this workshop these authors will give a detailed survey on their proof.
Additionally, related aspects of the Willmore conjecture will be covered in the meeting.
Additionally, related aspects of the Willmore conjecture will be covered in the meeting.
Intived speakers
- Fernando C. Marques (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada):
- Ernst Kuwert (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg): Variational problems for the Willmore functional
- André Neves (Imperial College):
- Franz Pedit (University of Tuebingen (Germany) and University of Massachussets, Amherst (USA)): Integrable systems aspects of Willmore surfaces
- Antonio Ros (Universidad de Granada): The isoperimetric problem and The Willmore conjecture: the symmetric case
- Francisco Urbano Pérez-Aranda (Universidad de Granada): The Willmore conjecture: 1965-2012. A brief introduction