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Talks by Igor Khavkine

Conformal Killing Initial Data

Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga

We find necessary and sufficient conditions ensuring that the vacuum development of an initial data set of the Einstein's field equations admits a conformal Killing vector. We refer to these conditions as conformal Killing initial data (CKID) and they extend the well-known Killing initial data that have been known for a long time. The procedure used to find the CKID is a classical argument based on the computation of a suitable propagation identity. The propagation identity is valid in any pseudo-Riemannian signature. In Lorentzian signature it involves hyperbolic operators, while in Riemannian it involves elliptic ones, which may be of independent interest. (Based on arXiv:1905.01231, with A. García-Parrado.)

Seminario 1ª planta, IEMath

Igor Khavkine

Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga (República Checa)

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