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Talks by Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo

Working seminar: On the conservation of superenergy and its applications

Universidad de Praga

In this work we present a geometric identity involving the Bel–Robinson tensor which is formally similar to the so-called Sparling identity (which involves the Einstein tensor through the Einstein 3-form). In our identity the Bel–Robinson tensor enters through the Bel–Robinson 3-form which, we believe, is introduced in the literature for the first time. The meaning of this identity is that it is possible to formulate a generic conservation law for the quantity represented by the Bel–Robinson tensor (superenergy). We also show how one can use the Bel–Robinson 3-form to estimate the components of the Bel–Robinson tensor which are computed with respect to the causal elements of a frame. This estimate could be useful in a global existence proof of the solutions of a theory of gravitation in dimension four.

Sala de conferencias, IEMath

Campos biconformes y nuevas caracterizaciones de variedades pseudoriemannianas conforme separables

Universidad de Praga


Simetrías que preservan el cono de luz.

Universidad de Praga


Un nuevo esquema para clasificar variedades lorentzianas

Universidad de Praga


Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo

Universidad de Praga (República Checa)

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