Information about a talk


Constant mean curvature surfaces in homogeneous 3-manifold Is

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

I will present some of the basic results on the geometry of constant mean curvature H≥0 surfaces M in a complete homogeneous 3-manifold X; such an M will be called an H-surface. We will call a foliation F of X a CMC foliation if all of the leaves of F are H-surfaces with H possibly varying. The key results in the mini-course will include:

  • General theory of H-surfaces M in Riemannian 3-manifolds with an emphasis on the case M is complete and embedded, including work described in papers of Colding-Minicozzi and Meeks-Perez-Ros and Meeks-Tinaglia.
  • Curvature estimates for CMC foliations of X. Based on joint work with Perez and Ros.
  • Curvature estimates for H-disks with H>0 in X. Based on joint work with Tinaglia.
  • Uniqueness results for H-spheres in X, which generalize the classical result of Hopf that for each H>0, there is a unique H-sphere in R3. Based on joint work with Mira, Perez and Ros.

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