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Conferencias impartidas por Philipp Käse

CMC tubes in homogeneous spaces

Technische Universität Darmstadt

In 1841 Delaunay characterized surfaces of constant mean curvature $H=1$ in Euclidean 3-space invariant under rotation. The result was generalized by several authors to screw-motion invariant CMC surfaces in $\mathbb{E}(\kappa,\tau)$. In this more general setting CMC tubes can arise in addition to the Delaunay surfaces. In this talk I want to present existence conditions and talk about further properties of these tubes such as embeddedness and foliation.

Seminario 2 (IMAG)

Philipp Käse

Technische Universität Darmstadt (Alemania)

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This activity is supported by the research projects EUR2024.153556, PID2023-150727NB-I00, PID2022-142559NB-I00, CNS2022-135390 CONSOLIDACION2022, PID2020-118137GB-I00, PID2020-117868GB-I00, PID2020-116126GB-I00.