Services and assessment

The group performs specific or integrated studies of buildings and monuments, being contracted by governmental agencies or private companies. Additionally, the group offers advice to professionals entrusted with intervention projects in the architectural heritage conservation. A selection of studies and activities in different buildings belonging to the cultural heritage is given below:


  • Collaboration in the “Plan Director” for the Cathedral of Granada (Spain).
  • Collaboration in the “Plan Director” for the Cathedral of Jaén (Spain).
  • Analytical study previous to the conservation interventions in the “Baños” of the “Palacio de Comares” in the Alhambra (Granada, Spain).
  • Mineralogical-petrografical study of the construction materials of the “Rauda Real” (cemetery) in the Alhambra (Granada, Spain).
  • Mineralogical-petrografical study of the construction materials of the “Castillo de Santa Elena” (Silla del Moro) (Granada, Spain).
  • Analysis of the state of conservation of the construction materials of the church  “Santa María de Mesa” (Utrera, Seville, Spain).
  • Evaluation of the state of conservation of the “Iglesia de Santiago” in Baza (Granada, Spain), and proposal for interventions.
  • Petrografical study of historic buildings in La Orotava (“Catedral de la Concepción”, “Casa Monteverde” and Cementery) and in La Laguna (“Casa de los Capitanes Generales” and “Monasterio de San Agustín”) (Canary Islands, Spain).
  • Supervision of the rehabilitation of the “Palacio de la Provincia” (Vitoria, Álava, Spain).
  • Petrophysical studies of ornamental rocks of the “Puerta del Perdón” and the façade facing the street “Cárcel Baja” of the Cathedral of Granada (Spain).
  • Control of the materials and intervention procedures during the rehabilitation of the Cathedral in Jaén (Spain), as well as scientific follow-up.
  • Control of the materials and intervention procedures during the rehabilitation of the Cathedral in Granada, as well as scientific follow-up.
  • Study of the state of conservation of the main façade of San Mateo in Tarifa (Cádiz, Spain).
  • Study of the construction materials of the “Baños de Hernando de Zafra, (Casa de Tumbas)” of Granada.
  • Survey and consolidation of medieval wall remains at the Plaza de Las Palomas (Guadix, Spain).
  • Analysis of original materials and condition survey of the High Altar of the Granada Cathedral. Control during the conservation intervention.
  • Study of the original materials and control during the conservation intervention of the Madraza (old murish university) in Granada.
  • Petrophysical study of the ornamental stone of the Roman bridge in Córdoba. Evaluacion of the stone material used for replacement.