In this section you can access extracts from the interviews carried out by the research team in 2010 and 2011, with significant people who participated in the process of creation of the family planning practice in Spain.
If citing any of the interviews, please include a reference to this website.
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Interviewer: Teresa Ortiz Gómez
Interviewee: Pilar Jaime, a Spanish feminist activist for family planning in 1970s, a militant of the Women Liberation Front. Co-founder of the Family Planning Centre on calle Federico Rubio in Madrid
Date: July 26, 2009 in London
Interviewer: Teresa Ortiz Gómez
Interviewee: Assumpció Villatoro, gyneacologist. Founder of the Spanish Family Planning Federation and the Catalan Association for Family Planning in 1978-1980. Spanish representative for the International Planned Parenthood Federation-European Network.
Date: May 19-20, 2010 in Madrid.
Interviewer: Teresa Ortiz Gómez
Interviewee: Amalia Jiménez, gynaecologist. In the 1970s she worked as a family planning medical consultant in the Granada University Hospital and in Spanish Healthcare. She was one of the founders of the regional Association for Family Planning in Andalusia.
Date: January 12, 2010 in Granada
Interviewer: Eugenia Gil García
Interviewee: Juana Contreras, gyneacologist. In the second half of the 1970s she collaborated with the family planning clinic in the Virgen Macarena University Hospital in Seville.
Date: December 16, 2010 in Seville.
Interviewer: Eugenia Gil García
Interviewee: Eloisa Galindo, employee in "Los Naranjos" family planning centre in Seville from January to October 1980.
Date: January 17, 2010 in Seville
Interviewer: Eugenia Gil García
Interviewee: José Ángel Lozoya, one of the founders of the "Los Naranjos" family planning centre in Seville.