In this section you can look up selected sources collected throughout the project, many of them donated by the interviewed people. They include brochures released by different groups and family planning centres and publications in press and international journals.
If citing any of these sources, please include a reference to this website.
Thank you.
A pamphlet on birth control in Spanish, released in England (London, 1970s).
"Contraceptives": a pamphlet of the Spanish Women's Liberation Movement (late 1970s).
"Because all that happens": a pamphlet released by the Committee for Family Planning of the Spanish Association of University Women (Madrid, late 1970s).
"Ask for contraceptives in your health clinic": a pamphlet by Madrid Women's Associations (Madrid, late 1970s/early 1980s).
"Information on contraceptives": a three-page leaflet by Madrid Women's Associations (Madrid, late 1970s).
A "Women's Liberation Front" meeting announcement (Madrid, 1975).
"Woman and Socialism": extracts from a brochure released by the Spanish Socialist Worker's Party (Madrid, late 1970s/early 1980s).
Announcement of the setting up of the 'Women's Liberation Front' (Madrid, January 25, 1976).
Article by Maggie Jones (International Planned Parenthood Federation: Europe Region), about the project of decriminalization of adultery and contraceptives printed in The Guardian in December 1977.
Article by Maggie Jones (International Planned Parenthood Federation: Europe Region) on decriminalization of contraceptives and emerging family planning centres in Spain, printed in The Guardian in August 1978.
Brochure of "Los Naranjos" family planning centre (Seville, 1980).
Article about family planning practice in Andalusia, published by Concha Martín Parpiñán and Federico Goyarts in the journal of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, People, 1985 (vol.12, n. 3).