We have the experience and expertise to host PhD students and postdoc and contribute to their training as scientists in an interdisciplinary environment.
Are you interested in applying for a doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship -FPI, FPU, Skłodowska-Curie, Juan de la Cierva-? Please contact with us: evoflor@evoflor.org
The core of the group is composed of scientists who actively participate in doctoral programmes. We teach in several Ph. D. and Master programs, where we offer methodological and conceptual advanced courses.
The successful dissertations of our former Ph.D. students underline the formative capacity of our active research network. We regularly hold seminars, journal clubs, and lab meetings to create an inspiring scientific environment for training young scientists. In addition, the active and lively environment in our departments at the University of Granada is enriching for graduate students.
We promote mobility of researchers and graduate students at national and international levels through short stays abroad. Our students have enjoyed short training stays in various centres, such as the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK, Germany), University of California-Davis (USA), University of Florida (USA), CREAF-UAB, Imperial College London (UK), CBIO (Portugal), Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil), just to cite a few. We maintain forthright relationships and regular links with other scientists, such as Pablo Vargas (Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC), Jordi Bosch (CREAF-UAB), Sharon Strauss (University of California-Davis), Pedro Jordano (EBD, CSIC), Carl Rothfels (University of California-Berkeley), etc., which can favor the mobility and training of our students. We also support the attendance to national and international research meetings and to training courses for our students.
We have also trained student of biological sciences through our participation in the “Internal Training Program” from the University of Granada (Plan de Formación Interna, Centro de Promoción de Empleo y Prácticas. Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes), and also through our work as advisors for Master’s and Bachelor’s students working on their TFM and TFG Thesis. In addition, we have also contributed to training FP students as technicians with an agreement with professional training schools. At least two of those students are currently working as technicians in biological labs.
Past evoflor PhD Students
- Carolina Osuna-Mascaró (UGR, 2020)
Hybridization as an evolutionary driver for speciation: a case in the Southern European Erysimum species
Advisers: F Perfectti and R Rubio de Casas
· - Javier Valverde (UGR, 2017)
Generalización estructurada dinámica evolutiva a escala espacial fina en un sistema generalista
Advisers: F Perfectti and JM Gómez
· - Juande Fernández Carmona (UBA, 2014)
Variación espacial en la polinización y el éxito reproductivo de una herbácea endémica: implicaciones para su conservación
Advisers: JM Gómez and J Bosch
· - María Elena Amat de León Arce (URJC, 2013)
Biología de la conservación de Pseudomisopates rivas-martinezii y Erysimum penyalarense, dos táxones amenazados de la Cordillera Carpetana
Advisers: P Vargas and JM Gómez
· - Antonio Jesús Muñoz Pajares (UGR, 2013)
Erysimum mediohispanicum at the evolutionary crossroad phylogeography, phenotype, and pollinators
Advisers: F Perfectti and JM Gómez
· - Mohamed Abdelaziz (UGR, 2013)
How species are evolutionarily maintained? Pollinator-mediated divergence and hybridization in Erysimum mediohispanicum and Erysimum nevadense
Advisers: JM Gómez and F Perfectti
· - Ayub M.O. Oduor (UGR, 2012)
Dissecting ecological and evolutionary mechanisms underlying invasiveness of plants: using Brassica nigra as a model plant
Advisers: JM Gómez, F Perfectti and SY Strauss
Past Master Students
Oliver Aleksandrei Polushkina. (UGR, 2021).
Selección y validación de genes de referencia en la flor de Moricandia arvensis
Adviser: F Perfectti
Sergio Alías Segura. (UGR, 2021).
Complejidad transcriptómica ligada a ploidía en Arabidopsis
Adviser: F Perfectti
Mercedes Sánchez Cabrera (UGR, 2016)
El microbioma del néctar en poblaciones simpátricas y alopátricas del género Erysimum
Advisers: F Perfectti and I Reche
Felipe Chiappe (UGR, 2015)
Filogenia de las especies italianas del género Erysimum
Adviser: F Perfectti
Joaquín Calatayud Ortega (UGR, 2012)
Redes de interacción de individuos de E. mediohispanicum: ¿Quiénes y por qué son los protagonistas?
Adviser: F Perfectti