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Talks by Isabel Fernández

Complete minimal surfaces with a prescribed coordinate

Universidad de Sevilla

We will show that any (non-constant) harmonic map on an arbitrary open Riemannian N surface can be realized as the third coordinate of a complete minimal immersion of $N$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$. As a consequence we will prove that any open Riemann surface admits a complete conformal minimal immersion whose Gauss map misses two points.
This is a joint work with F.J. López and A. Alarcón.

Superficies de curvatura media constante $H=1/2$ en $\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}$

Universidad de Sevilla

El problema de Dirichlet en superficies de Riemann

Universidad de Sevilla


Isabel Fernández

Universidad de Sevilla (España)

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