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Conferencias impartidas por Young Jin Suh

Yamabe, Ricci-Bourguignon solitons in complex hyperbolic quadric and complex hyperbolic space

Kyungpook National University

In this talk, we give a complete classification of Yamabe soliton, Ricci-Bourguignon soliton on real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic quadric ${Q^m}^*$ and complex hyperbolic space $CH^m$. Next as applications, we also give a complete classification of gradient Yamabe soliton and gradient Ricci-Bourguignon soliton on real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic quadric ${Q^m}^*$ and complex hyperbolic space $CH^m$. Related to this topics, finally we want to mention soliton problems and Fisher-Marsden conjecture in other Hermitian symmetric spaces like complex two-plane Grassmannians, complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians, complex quadric or etc.

Seminario 1 - IMAG

Real hypersurfaces with isometric Reeb flow in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type II

Kyungpook National University

Seminario, 1ª planta, IEMath

Isometric Reeb flow on Real Hypersurfaces in Hermitian Symmetric Spaces.

Kyungpook National University

In this talk. first, from the histrorical view point we introduce some works on isometric Reeb flow on real hypersurfaces in complex projective space, complex hyperbolic space, complex two-plane Grassmannians, and complex quadrics. Next we want to give a recent classification of isometric Reeb flow on real hypersurfaces in generalized complex k-plane Grassamnnians.

Seminario 1ª planta, IEMath

Recent Progress on Complex Quadric in Hermitian Symmetric Spaces

Kyungpook National University

Seminario 2ª Planta, IEMath-GR

Real hypersurfaces in Hermitian symmetric spaces with isometric Reeb flow

Kyungpook National University

In this talk, first we introduce the classification of homogeneous hypersurfaces in some Hermitian symmetric spaces of rank 1 or rank 2. In particular, we give a full expression of the geometric structures for hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians $G_2(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})$ or in complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians $G_2^{*}(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})$. Next by using the isometric Reeb flow we give a complete classification for hypersurfaces $M$ in complex two-plane Grassmannians $G_2(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})$, complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians $G_2^{*}(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})$ and a complex quadric $\mathbb{Q}^m$.

Seminario de Matemáticas, 1ª planta

Recent results on Homogeneous Hypersurfaces in Hermitian Symmetric Spaces of rank 2

Kyungpook National University

Seminario de Matemáticas. 1ª Planta. Sección de Matemáticas

Maximum Principles and their Applications to Real and Complex submanifolds

Kyungpook National University

Seminario de Análisis Matemático. 1ª Planta, sección de Matemáticas

Submanifolds in Hermitian symmetric spaces of rank 2

Kyungpook National University

Seminario de Matemáticas (2ª planta)

Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with parallel and commuting Jacobi operator

Kyungpook National University

Seminario de Matemáticas. 2ª Planta, sección de Matemáticas.

Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians and its applications to the Ricci tensor

Kyungpook National University

Seminario de Matemáticas. 2ª Planta, sección de Matemáticas.

Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians related to the Ricci tensor

Kyungpook National University


Some characterizations of real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians

Kyungpook National University


Differential geometry of real hypersurfaces in two-planes grassmanians II

Kyungpook National University


Differential geometry of real hypersurfaces in two-planes grassmanians I

Kyungpook National University


On semi-symmetric semi-Ryan complex submanifolds in an indefinite complex space form

Kyungpook National University


Liouville-type inequalities and its applications to geometric problems

Kyungpook National University


Young Jin Suh

Kyungpook National University (Corea del Sur)

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This activity is supported by the research projects EUR2024.153556, PID2023-150727NB-I00, PID2022-142559NB-I00, CNS2022-135390 CONSOLIDACION2022, PID2020-118137GB-I00, PID2020-117868GB-I00, PID2020-116126GB-I00.