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Prof. Jorge A. R. Navarro: https://scholar.google.ch/citations?hl=fr&user=I-CsQZkAAAAJ

Jorge A. R. Navarro (Hirsch h= 50; ca. 10,000 citations)   Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Granada has made seminal contributions in the field of synthesis of discrete and extended metal-organic architectures with biomedical and environmental applications. Some relevant results include: i) chiral metallochalixarenes with host-guest properties towards biorelevant molecules. ii) first-demonstration of flexible behavior of MOF materials, iii) isoreticular synthesis of highly robust metal-pyrazolate frameworks, iv) impact of defects in MOF for separation of environmentally relevant gases, v) MOFs and MOPs for controlled release of non-conventional drugs (e.g. Ru-based metallodrugs) and biosignal gases (e.g. CO); vi) MOFs for the capture and catalytic degradation of chemical warfare agents. These results have been published in > 150 research papers (45 in the last 5 years) in main journals Nature, Science, Nature Comm., Chem. Soc. Rev., Chem, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv Mater, Adv. Funct. Mater, and book chapters about the chemistry of MOFs and Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry.