See our report in Canal Sur TV on the BEERISK project:

November 2024. Preliminary results of BEERISK Project presented at XXIX JORNADAS TÉCNICAS DE APICULTURA (Lanjarón 2024)

October 2024. BEERISK project website has been launched!!! Take a look:

The web will show the latest updates on BEE pathogen detection using new rapid and isothermical molecular amplification methods.
September 2024. Our Pseudocolored SEM image of in vitro biofilms of L. passim have been awarded as the best picture by the Spanish Society for Parasitology (XXIII congress of SOCEPA)

June 2024. BEERISK OPERATIVE GROUP PROJECT AWARDED: New methods for early detection of Bee pathogens. Want to know more? Clink in the following podcast at Onda Local de Andalucía.

Want to know more about trypanosomatid biofilms? Check our story behind the paper of springernature:

January 2023: Tamara Gómez Moracho receives Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship
Tamara Gómez Moracho was awarded with a three-year María Zambrano postdoctoral career grant unde EU Next Generation funding. She will study the genetic bases for environmental resistance of the protozoan parasite Lotmaria passim in honeybees. Congrats!

April 2021
El 24 de Abril se ha celebrado el Festival Solidario de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UGR. Participamos explicando los objetivos del proyecto KINETOBEE:
December 2020:
Información de Contacto: Dr. Luis Miguel de Pablos Torró. email: